An open letter to President Mutharika
Your Excellency Sir,
Please receive my heartfelt congratulations on being elected the 5th President of the Republic of Malawi. From the outset, let me make it clear that I am not a fan of you or the DPP, I did not vote for you, but it seems like the 36 percent of the country did and here we are, that is the power of democracy. Or is it the advantage of having a better legal team, seeing as the fate of our country resided in the hands of the courts, lawyers and their egos.
To borrow Maya Angelou’s words, your Excellency Sir, ‘It is dangerous to make anybody seem larger than life,’ and we hope in your government there will be no political demigods or the untouchables who will be trampling on people’s rights and freedoms and go scot free.
I know better than to judge you based on the atrocities and failures of the DPP under the late Dr. Bingu Wa Mutharika but the wounds are still fresh Mr. President. I just can’t help it. I am only human. So Mr. President, the following is how I predict Malawi to be like under your leadership in the next five years:
The name DPP is synonymous with tribalism. You now have the authority to hire and fire I expect most major positions in the civil service and parastatals to be filled by people from the Lhomwe belt.
I do not expect all key positions in parastatals like Macra, MRA, MBC, to be headed by DPP sympathizers and mainly from the Lhomwe belt.
The last thing I want to hear or read in the papers is that Chief Secretary has been replaced by a Mulahko wa Alhomwe executive member. I beseech you your excellency to make sure that people are appointed on merit not based on where they come from or because of their political colours.
I would be surprised to learn that the chief executive officer of ESCOM has been kicked out and someone from Thyolo has taken his place. And, when you finally announce the cabinet I’m looking forward to shake my head upon finding out that the majority are Lhomwes.
I could go on and on, for hours imagining what you would do wrong. Please prove me wrong and be different so I can change my perception towards you.
‘Toothless Anti Corruption Bureau’
Ever since its establishment the ACB has been nothing but a tool to victimize members of the opposition and people that have fallen out with the government of the day.
I expect ACB to prosecute ONLY those in the opposition while anyone that deflects to DPP will instantly become a sacred lamb. One of the reasons I was against DPP was the fact that I know it will readily accept anyone who was involved in the cashgate scandal. I am pleased that you preached against political prostitution. Change not your tune your Excellency Sir.
We already saw this in the last days of the campaign period; apparently MCP rejected ‘ujeni’ (implicated in cashgate) but you welcomed him with both hands. I know this heavyweight won’t face the law since he pledged his allegiance to you. Remember the law is an ass and does not recognize a face when justice is involved. Deal with anyone, I mean anyone regardless of their political and social standing.
Your Excellency Sir, please ensure that MBC as a public broadcaster is fully independent. People must be employed on merit and not merely on political affiliation.
Please, your Excellency Sir, ensure that MBC is independent of political interference and that the staff is not victimized so that the state-run broadcaster can always be adhering to professional ethics and standards.
MBC can make its own money if it can be allowed to be independent for that will give t the public owned broadcaster to be more creative. Please reduce presidential diaries and political activities that are less newsworthy and let the broadcaster to concentrate on human interest and business or development related materials. Give them freedom to make editorial judgements based on an independent editorial policy not a political one.
Ma announcer ndi atolankhani adyela ayamba kale kuvala ma tie a blue, asiya kuvala dzimatayi dzawo dza orange dzinja….akufuna kukuberani bwana.
All big government tenders are going to be awarded to your cronies because ‘there is no one else in Malawi that can deliver’.
They will have a monopoly on government projects and eventually drive numerous businesses into bankruptcy. Apart from being masters of tax evasion and tax avoidance, they also happen to wine and dine with the first citizen; the Malawi Revenue Authority would never dare touch them. Salvation is a phone call away.
‘Non declaration of assets’
Why is it so hard for the head of state to simply declare that “I have two bicycles, a goat, a minibus, three chickens and a Toyota Vitz”?
Is it because they are scared they won’t be able to explain the mansions, fleet of expensive cars, multi-million dollar companies and fat bank accounts on their way out? I know I’m asking the wrong person but I expect you to be different sir.
As a Law Professor yourself, I am sure the law and the Constitution aren’t going to be violated with impunity.
Above are some but a few of the dirty stuff that gave DPP and the Presidency a bad name and your victory has invoked those unfortunate memories.
We hope we did not make a mistake and please make smile all the way to development and be proud that we elected an educated president.
‘Bloated cabinet’
Politicians say anything to get elected so never mind what you promised during your campaign. I am pleased that you have made it clear that you will have a lean cabinet of twenty ministers, deputies inclusive.
I hear once you step in you get pressurized to appoint as many people as possible to the cabinet, not because they are needed but because it’s a way of saying “thank you!” to them. Appeasement is the order of the day. So what if the government is broke? We still are going to have a gazillion ministers and deputies milking the already thin cow.
Never before have I seen youngsters strip naked and beat up a chief in plain view of the police and get away with it, houses and offices of human rights activists being torched and panga wielding thugs freely roaming the streets intimidation citizens. People being shot dead by those who sworn in to protect them. ‘Suicides’. Oh my goodness not again!
The above are some of the things that gave DPP a bad name and your victory has invoked bad memories.
Your Excellency, are you familiar with the concept of cheating during examinations to gain an unfair advantage? Well this letter serves as your ‘likasa’ to assist you pass your five year test. It really doesn’t matter if actions are sanctioned by you or by overzealous party fanatics without your blessing; you are the leader so everything is your fault. Putting your house in order is your responsibility, your Excellency, sir.
You have now seen the consequences of taking Malawians for granted right? It can cost someone the presidency. Please do not make the mistake of looking down on us and then insult us when we, your employers, question you (‘ndizakunyenyanyenyani’, headless chickens, ‘makape!’, ‘tiankhwenzule inu’ and some other unprintable words).
We do not want cadets, your Excellency who will be painting themselves blue for the sake of ‘Chala M’wamba’ but with your dynamic leadership propel them to achieve their goals through hard work, education and discipline and not be used as agents of violence against your political nemesis other than vehicles of development, remember they are tomorrow’s leaders.
Please your Excellency sir, let no sycophantic member of DPP or protective layers of advisors should ever lie to you that everything is well when Malawians start crying.
This is the time for you, your Excellency for us to believe in you and trust that a well educated president is what the country needs for the country to go forward. If you mess up things, people will think education is but useless and therefore people will not put their eggs in the education basket anymore.
We have the power to renew or terminate your contract, we shall be assessing your performance and if after your term we are not satisfied then we are going to come out with our pitch forks.
This is your chance to prove us wrong because we expect you to fail. Show us that you are ready to take Malawi to a next level, Mr. President.
We know you have a rich CV and that you are exposed but we are still thinking you are just like any other politician who talks tough but act soft. Most of us judge you not as an individual but as a Mutharika.
Please your Excellency Sir, do not let bootlickers to give you unnecessary titles like Ngwazi, Mkango, Njobvu etc. You already have a well earned and deserved title of a professor added to your name, don’t add more for too much salt spoils the broth.
Sorry for taking up much of your time, I know you are busy preparing to run the government. I wish you luck, all the best.
Your humble citizen,
Mtumiki Woyamba.
PS: I’ve never been to a state wedding before, can I please get an invitation card for two?
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