Cllr Bikoko launches campaign to clean up Lilongwe
Ward Councilor for Lilongwe Chigoneka ward, Dr Desmond Bikoko on Saturday launched ‘Chotsa Zinyalala Campaign’ in his area, saying he will dedicate his time in clearing rubbish from streets.

Launching the campaign, Bikoko said time has come for everyone to assist in making the Lilongwe a better place to live by eradicate littering.
During the campaign, Bikoko said he will finance all expenses which goes with collection of refusals, saying there is need to stay in cleaner, stronger and safer communities.
The launch of the campaign comes at a time when there is a public over growing concern that the city is getting too dirty.
The city of officials have always argued that the city has no resources.
“I have decided to make Chotsa zinyalala campaign an on going operation which will turn my ward one of the clean part of the city,” said Bikoko.
Bikoko said he work with communities to re-forge a sense of civic pride to clean up.
Meanwhile, deputy director of health, Cathereen Kunje has commended Bikoko for sponsoring the activity.
Kunje admitted that the City is facing a lot of challenges and that the population is growing extensively.
“We are very thankful that Bikoko has sponsored cleaning the ward using his personal resources,” said Kunje.
The beauty of Malawi’s capital Lilongwe is being threatened by toxic products like plastic bags, glass, cans, bottles and used condoms that are littered in the streets.
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Thank you.
I would like to ask though, somebody has been collecting money from people and organisations saying they are beautifying malawi mpaka kukatenga za anthu odwala. We even saw president and vice kusesa pa launching. Where is that person?
We need these sort of people in our political system as well: selfless, patriotic and in the game for the good of the public. The Mayor position should have been taken up by a person who has a vision like Dr Bikoko and am sure Lilongwe would have transformed within a short time.
mpaka Dokotala wochotsa zinyalala?
kkkkkkkk Dotolo wake wa Cypress Univesitetu kkkkk
Mediocrity upon mediocrity, WHERE THE HELL IS BEAM?
Good boy Men!that’s brilliant bra, don’t spend time asking for motor bike loans for what? this is what we are expecting from you guys because you stay close with communities and this the time you make names people don’t a lot from you but creativity is what matters,certainly this is the moment to make your name in case you want to contest as PM then this the time to make noise it’s not magic to be MP but how you perform that’s the bottom line See my name that is why MP they become cross with you .See my name.
Cleanliness should not be something that someone should come and do it for us. In other parts of the world, cleanliness is part of the culture. I believe much effort should be put into awareness kuti anthu asinthe. They should embrace it as a way of life. Most Malawians are lazy and dirty right from their minds. Kutaya zinyalala paliponse osaganizira kuti azazichotsapo ndani. Kukwera bus koma kudya njira yonse. Nthochi ndi mondokwa. Ena amalakalaka atamadya mzimbe mu minibus. Nkumati osangodikira bwanji kuti akadyere kwawo. Umve ndipakhomo pomwe kukanika donsosolo losamala madzi ochoka kubafa. Now ngati zinyalala zikukanika kupanga manage… Read more »
Good news. Kodi nkhani ya ma allowance aku LCC ili pati? ACB ikuti chani? Pliz dont let it die a natural death.
Good work Bikoko.Pliz fish out the likes of Geisha Mbwabwa from LLC. They have failed us, koma kuba ma allowance basi.Go Doc! go.
This guy deserves to be our mayor, not that sleepy ujeni.
Lilongwe City Council is the most pathetic councils in Malawi coz of none other than Chapondera, the Snoring and clueless mayor like the President himself
Zabwino zonse