Exposed! Malawi students opt for sex with lecturers to have grades doctored
A straight-talk session held at Mzuzu University (Mzuni) under the banner ‘our campus life on the era of HIV and AIDS’ has exposed that most female students in Malawi’s institutions deliberately entice their male lecturers into sex to have their mediocre results doctored.
The session, held Saturday at Mzuni, is part of a series of activities being done by Mzuzu University Theatre Arts Group (MUTAG) – with funding from National Aids Commission (NAC) – using theatre for development tools in order to curb the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the country.
During plenary, after a short play was performed, both students and lecturers present confessed that the issue of sexually transmitted grades has gone viral in colleges and universities in Malawi fuelling the spread of HIV/AIDS.
“There are cases where we’ve students coming to us to have their results doctored – and they offer to do anything in the process including sexual intercourse,” said one of the lecturers.

He added: “Such kind of scenarios can only be brought to a halt if students are well civic educated that the only way one can get good results is through hard work.”
About four male lecturers confessed during falling in the trap of female students trying to cajole them into sex for better grades.
The findings during the session proved wrong the misconception that usually it is lecturers who deliberately orchestrate such sinister behaviours.
“The session has brought to light the truth,” said Bertha Gama, a second year Bachelor of Arts (Education) student. “It seems ninety per cent of the blame goes to students.”
In his remarks, Misheck Banda, Mzuni’s lecturer in the Department of Languages and Literature and MUTAG patron said that as an institution of higher learning they are trying to come up with better ways of combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
“Theatre for development is one of such ideas,” said Banda.
He added: “We’ll be carrying out such kind of activities across the country – especially in schools – so that learners get news about the pandemic in a refreshed way.”
According to Banda, MUTAG, again with funding from NAC will be working on a movie Alufeyo that showcases how HIV/AIDS cobwebs in schools – especially in colleges and universities – fuel the transmission of AIDS.
He said the movies is expected to be out soon.
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