Gwengwe says PP to introduce ‘sin tax’ on alcohol, tobacco
The People’s Party (PP) will introduce a health levy with a supplementary charge of all alcohol and cigarettes to finance the procurement of medication drugs, the vice presidential nominee Sosten Gengwe has disclosed.
Gwengwe made the disclosure during a live debate for running mates on Zodiak Broadcasting Service’s Question Time on Saturday evening.
“We will introduce a levy of alcohol and tobacco to fund the procurement of drugs,” Gwengwe said.

He said the party’s blue print is proposing tobacco and alcohol levy to be introduced in the national budget.
Gwengwe said the move will help government move away from aid dependency to self-sustenance.
Observers noted the “sin tax” will also help combat non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular diseases, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases which are emerging as major killers for alcohol and tobacco users.
On the other hand, alcohol consumption is connected to more than 60 diseases and many road accidents in Malawi are alcohol-related.
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