Malawi secures K13bn aid for fast collapsing healthcare

Malawi government says it has finally managed to secure K13 billion in donor money to resuscitate the ailing public hospitals, including the buying of enough food so that patients can have three meals a day.

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Ministry of Health spokesman: Chikumbe says situation will improve

Adrian Chikumbe, spokesman for ministry of health could not however disclose the donors but said they money would be given to the government as a matter of urgency following the critical and catastrophic situation in public hospitals.

Chikumbe said the money should take hospitals from December 2015 to November 2016.

Public hospitals have been hit by severe budget cuts due to the withdrawal of aid by the country’s traditional donors leading to severe shortages of medicine, frequent disconnection of water and electricity due to unpaid bills, parking of ambulances due to breakdowns and lack of fuel and critical shortages of food leading to suspension of free food to patients, among others.

A snap survey in some hospitals shows that food cooking is still suspended and patients rely on relations or well wishers.

At Zomba General Hospital, they have resumed giving food albeit breakfast and dinner only, Mzimba has resumed giving all three meals and in other hospitals, the situation is still unpredictable as hospitals are now depending on free food from well wishers.

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chilungamo chachepa
chilungamo chachepa
8 years ago

zibwere ku chitipa accounts yathu ithane nazo! kaya mmaleka dala kumamera midzu pano simungawazulenso

8 years ago

Much as we appreciate what the donors have decided to give us that amount, we need to go back to the drawing board and see what was happening during the time when the hospitals were providing essential medicines to the patients. You can choose either to agree with me or not but our population is growing at a faster rate yet our income base is not improving. This growing population is putting pressure to the services which used to carter for the people and we still want to have the same quality which was available when the population was manageable.… Read more »

8 years ago

A Malawi ngati tikukana kulipira ngakhale k500 kuchipatala,nkumayembekeza boma lipeleke mankwala,nsima,transport,chakudya cha ma guardian etc, tisadabwe kuti sizikuyenda ngakhale pang’ono. Amene atipatsa ndalamazo sangatipatse chaka chili chonse. We need long term solutions which is that users must pay a little something.
Anthu a mbili mmidzimu amatha kukhala ndi ma cell phone koma mukuti sangathe kulipila kangachepe kuchipatala ndiye kuti chiani.Dependency itipha pa Malawi.

The Most Concerned
The Most Concerned
8 years ago

APM Woyeeeeeeeee!!!DPP Woyeeeeeeeee!!!!

Terms & conditions apply

We need donors @ all cost. Malawi as a country,has not yet reached a stage where we can do on our own at the moment.

8 years ago

There is too much stealing in public hospitals at all levels. The accounts and procurement departments are main culprits but the public eyes are not on them. The public eyes are always on PHARMACY, the fluel of the hospital machinary.Thefty at hospital level is like this: 1.Administration 2.Accounts.3. Procurement 4. Pharmancy 5. Stories 6.Clinicians and nurses 7.drivers 8. Hospital attendants 9.guards 10. others including guardians and patients. The most publicity of Thefty at hospital is of the drug because ldrugs are special commodities meant to save life handled by most hated personnel. Hospital Pharmancies are not run the same way… Read more »

Happening Boy
Happening Boy
8 years ago

Thanks Peter for what, this has nothing to do with Peter these are just good will people who have just sympathized with our public hospitals situation, agalu inu.

Brazilian Wax
Brazilian Wax
8 years ago

Azungu dzatilamulire ife patokha dzatilaka! Tilibe nzeru tili chabe!

angoni apaphata
angoni apaphata
8 years ago

Zero deficit budget. What kind of fools r we?

8 years ago

The money should only be used to buy necessary items in hosptals. I tell u this sector eats money like mangoes through allowances, inflated food purchases and many more. The ngomas and the like have started planning for workshops, trainings visits which drain a lot of money than buying the required dgugs and materials in hospitals to benefit the sick. Ndalama izi munva kuti zatha before june.

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