UK’s Prince Andrew becomes Malawi investment ambassador

The Duke of York, His Royal Highness Prince Andrew, has offered to become Malawi’s Investment Ambassador as the country is shifting to an exporting economy through massive foreign direct investment (FDI).

President Mutharika with Prince Andrew: The Duke offered to be Malawi’s investment Ambassador as the country is shifting from a consumption to an exporting economy through massive foreign direct investment
President Mutharika with Prince Andrew: The Duke offered to be Malawi’s investment Ambassador as the country is shifting from a consumption to an exporting economy through massive foreign direct investment
British investors meeting Malawi President Mutharika
British investors meeting Malawi President Mutharika

A post on President Professor Peter Mutharika’s personal Facebook page disclosed that the Duke invited the Malawi leader on Tuesday for a closed door meeting at Buckingham Palace in London where the Duke made the offer.

Mutharika wrote that with over a century of close relations between the two countries, Malawi had come to be oriented along the British way of doing things in social, political, and administrative realms.

He said the country’s civil service, national assembly, judiciary, civil society, and the academia all thrived on the principles and values espoused by Her Majesty’s Government, and the entire civilized world.

“My government remains committed to entrenching the democratic ideals of good governance, human rights and the rule of law,” wrote Mutharika. “We remain a small, developing nation determined to improve our economic stature in our region and beyond, but we will also ensure that economic gains are shared by all.”

Mutharika said UK had remained Malawi’s largest bilateral donor both through the suspended budgetary support programme and direct support to the various sectors of the Malawi economy.

The President said he assured the Duke of York that Malawi government was doing all it could to make meaningful progress in reforming financial and economic management.

“This reforming process we will do not only because it is right and just, but also because we hope and look forward for the resumption of budgetary and other forms of support for the people of Malawi from Her Majesty’s government,” wrote Mutharika

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Alex Likoswe
8 years ago

Mr President, we can shout loud. No one will come till you make your house in order. Deal with the economy, infrastructure, institutional support, bureaucracy. The rest will follow.

8 years ago

We really have a big problem in our country – we are excited because of the promise by an irrelevant royalty who only wants to attract a bit of attention. I strongly feel that our president’s trip to UK was, at best, ill-timed. Mind you our president was UK when world’s attention was the Climate Change conference in Paris so it’s hardly surprising that our president was meeting non-entities and, typical of us, we are over the moon with joy! By the way, have I read correctly that our president talks of Malawi as a developing country? Are we sure… Read more »

8 years ago

No Matter How Much Meat Or Care U Give To Dogs, Dogs Are Dogs They Shall Never Stop Burkingooo.

8 years ago

Of all the British royals, we choose the controversial scandal ridden prince Andrew? Ha ha ha!!!

choka phiri
8 years ago

U have not seen the investers yet

8 years ago

A Kaphaizi ndinu omvetsa chisoni. Kodi a Chakwelawo magetsiwio akawtenga kumudzi kwawo? Ma investor ena akhoza kubweletsa business ya magetsi to compete ndi escom. A president akuchita bwino.

Kodi munthu ukakhala osauka ndiye umangokhalan duuu basi nkumati ine osauka nkumayembekeza kuti zinthu zisintha?

8 years ago

Well done Peter! so those people who call you cluless can they explain to me how a clu less man manages to impress the west to start re investing in a poor country in Malawi?

Keep your chin up Peter Mutharika! you are the one! forget stupid mouth breathers who criticise everything you do! they are clueless!They have no idea what it means to run a country.

8 years ago

This is good news for our country. Yes, we need investors not donors. I mean if we want to develop. But the problem is that all foreign companies coming to Malawi, they are told to do business in Blantyre or Lilongwe. And not Mzuzu. So whatever the president is doing, we know he is doing for the people of the south and central Malawi respectively. And not for Northern Region. Political leaders from the south they would like to north see north is finally dead.

8 years ago

IMF and donor policies are hindering Malawi progress, if we continue keep the Kwacha as free floating inflation will never go away, this is basic economics, why has Goodall and Chuka not understood this i am suprised. Goodall did well from 2004-09 when kwacha was fixed,now eversince we floated in 2012 kwacha is losing 40% every year, and due to this inflation cannot come down, meaning disposable incomes are shrinking every single day. JB lost the election solely because of the economy in bad shape due to free floating kwacha, now its the same thing this government are failing to… Read more »

Issa Kabudula
Issa Kabudula
8 years ago

We call this kubwela – Malawi can be an exporting country based on its natural resources and human capital.

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