What must I do to be saved? Part 2
Man being eternally lost and helpless to save himself, needed a savior whereby sinful man could be made righteous. This has been accomplished when God provided His only Son to die on the Cross, thereby paying the terrible price which we could not pay.
All that we need to obtain this glorious and wonderful gift of salvation is to simply believe on Christ, exactly as Paul said, which means to have faith in Him. There is completely no Salvation outside the cross as believing in something else is rejecting the sacrifice that was freely given to us.
Many people attempt to earn salvation in many ways other than accepting Christ or adding to it. Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us that For by Grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourself: It is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. This actually means that the church cannot save you, and neither can water baptism save you, or anything of good works. While all these things are important in their own right, they have absolutely nothing to do with our salvation.
One can be saved even without being in Church because after being saved, the desire to fellowship with other Christians in Church will automatically come which is what make all those that are saved to still end up in church, as we need people that can encourage and help us grow in the things of God. A good example is the jailer who asked Paul “What must I do to be saved”. He was not in church at that moment but in jail yet at that moment he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, and was instantly saved and this included all his family members.
If you are reading this, and have not yet given your heart and life to Jesus Christ, It is the time that you do so by just saying these words loud from your heart:
“Dear God in Heaven, I come to you today as a lost sinner; I am asking you that you save my soul and cleanse me from all sin. I realize in my heart my need of salvation, which can only come through Jesus Christ. I am accepting Christ into my heart and what He did on the cross in order to purchase my redemption. I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in my heart that God has raised Him from the dead. You have said in your word which cannot lie, for whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. I have called upon your name and I believe that right now, I am saved.
If you have sincerely said these words, and believe in your heart upon the Lord Jesus Christ, you are at this moment saved, and your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life. Congratulations!
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Bwatiko, why do you say the relationship can never be broken? The bible states in I John 3:4-9 that whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin. That’s why Christ died is to save you from a sinful life. When you sin you separate yourself from your relationship with Christ. Matthew 1:21 says Christ came to save people from their sin. Titus 2:11-12 states that we are to deny ungodliness and to live righteous. Romans 6:1-2 says God forbid that you continue to sin. Sin separates man from God. For the wages of sin is death. Every sin committed… Read more »
True, just believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and what he accomplished on the cross, but even the ability to believe in him is not of us but given by God himself, there is nothing we contribute in our salvation apart from our sins, we don’t even make Jesus the LORD because he is the LORD even without us making him LORD, that’s why the apostle Paul said that “We are saved by grace alone” AMEN
Amen!!! Amen!!!
I’m sure the writer has clearly indicated that one has to believe on the Lord Jesus to be saved. The person has to admit that he is a sinner and can’t save himself. A prayer there is just a guide NOT that one can be saved only by saying/ repeating that without having Faith in Christ. The writer has said works, baptism or whatever can’t save us even church NO. Salvation is in the Person Christ Himself. That finished work on the cross Jesus did it for our redemption. After you believe and saved God gives you a new life… Read more »
Well done Cindy! Salvation comes through faith in Christ Jesus and after being saved, we ought to work out on our daily relationship with HIM because Christianity is a Relationship!!!
Cindy khumalo you are a fool. All that is said and done, but don’t think you can prescribe peoples salvation. Its individualized. You want people to believe and say the words you have prescribed? Never!! Don’t put us in bondage of your thinking, but let us be free to express our minds and repent our sins in our own way. Your thinking has tainted the notion of born again in Malawi. When people you believe are sinners come to your churches you force them to repeat the words are you and in the end you accord them the born again… Read more »
Salvation is by grace. The moment you confess those words of salvation, the Holy Spirit helps to live righyt. The want to do evil vanishes & you really becomes a new creature. Not that you should stop doing evil before you are saved, that is a lie!
My father who at in heaven
Hallowed be thy name.
Son of the living God.
Son of David
Have mercy on me
Right now
NOT Tommorrow
I know am a sinner
May you forgive my sins
And Remember them NO more
Like what you did with my fellow sinner
On the cross
Remember me in thy kingdom
From my heart
Very true and wise words from The Analyst. While most of what Cindy has written is true,I see her article as incomplete and therefore misleading, commonplace in most churches these days. You see members of the clergy leading the flock in God-forbidden practices like divorcing and abandoning their spouses. These and other such practices should not be overlooked in the church. The CCAP church at least tries but these other churches are more concerned with numbers and money.
Very true Mbiri. The animal spirits of money and numbers have overtaken today’s churches’ traditional role of offering salvation. Sad!