Whatever we think of him, Bushiri is Malawi’s greatest export deserving govt’s hand
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri is quite a controversial figure, a 37-year-old young man whose every step attracts attention, every word he utters stirs global whirlwind.

He so divides opinion to the extent where it becomes a headache to really appreciate the actual him.
To those that swore to detest everything about him, he is fake; he is a fraudster, a manipulator and all word that, since Adam, disparages him as a threat to society.
To those that took an oath to celebrate him, he is a true servant of God, an astute strategist, a cheerful giver, a family man and a friend to all.
But in between these two extremes, lies the truth about Prophet Bushiri who, in 10 years, has built a wonderful religious empire that, today, boasts of over 10 million followers spread in 47 countries across the world.
Yes, in between the two extremes, lies a humanitarian—a man with a golden giving heart who has fed more hungry Malawian than any other; has built schools, provide bursaries, supported orphanages and many things too many to mention.
Indeed, in between these extremes lies a man with ambitions, a dream to be world’s greatest employer and Malawi, with visible investments such as Rainbow Television, has benefited and continues to do.
Such a figure, no matter his human flaws that every flesh is heir to, deserves a mention, a reckon in a way so special—and it would be foolhardy to ignore that.
That is why the predicament he faces today—two cases on his head, a prolonged incarceration and residential status heinous problem—is something that should worry every Malawian.
He is a son of this land, a holder of diplomatic passport and a global figure; and the sum of this is enough for the State to take interest in the web of pain he is stuck in today.
In asking the State to intervene is not to suggest Bushiri must evade Court processes. It is to help ensure that his court processes are fair, just and impartial.
That, for a figure so crucial such as Bushiri, is not too much ask.
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Shalom Shalom I am Apostle Joshua R.Msigwa from Tanzania Mbeya City Boader to Malawi i have one thing just to say according to the Bible History and Prophecy of Jesus who prophesied about these last days to the Church and to his Apostles and Prophets. So that Prophet Bushiri God wants him to lift up with Double portion anointing, this way’s of jails is God’s way has allowed Prophet Bushiri to pass and on my side i pray for him and his wife May the Almighty God to cover him with His Glory and Prophet will come out of jail… Read more »
Ndiye manyitu. We have Mwawi, the 2 sisters in China, China empire ku Ireland ndiye munakene wakubayi?
Let us pray for the poor congregants who were scammed out of their life savings.
Bushiri is worth $100 million (K75 Billion) is the Leader of the largest church in South Africa with 2 million members. Will be a shit storm if he is convicted or Deported.
Be great to have him return though to Malawi with such riches to invest.
Let the shit storm happen.. whatever that is.. why has he not invested already? Could it be that the laws for externalising funds could reveal things he does not want to be known? could it be that it was not the right time? Could it be that maso mphenya a greeeeeeeaaaatttt year ya 2020 anali asanamupeze…. zitayeni izi let the law take its course guilty or not and let the truth be known.
Popeza sumamva chizungu. Ukanamvera milandu pa eNCA TV ukanadabwa kuti bushiri wakoyo alibe chilichonse. Mary Buahiri kupempha court kuti angakwanitsa R20,000 basi. Kodi mankhwala anenedwa mu court akuti akumwa Prophetess Bushiri ndi omwewa otchulawa
Government should do what it does when any Malawian abroad faces similar experience not because of what you have written Fiko. If government has never done anything on such issues before, why should it be forced to do that today? If government has been doing that before, why should it not do likewise in this matter?We are all equal
regardless of what we have or what we or our friends think we are.
Whats wrong with my people?no empathy for those that lost their savings mumvekele greatest export?zitoleleni
A very stupid stupid article. The man is out there reducing our reputation as country to a bunch scammers. Before we know it Malawis credibility will be the same as that of a Nigerian. We won’t be trusted anywhere. He should be in jail and throw away the keys
Shut up for you don’t know what you are saying
Papa wakoyo pano ali mmanja mwa mnyapala . Akakhala mama ndiye warden amangowauza mukagone mu office mai, ndakubweretsenani camp mattres bola nane mundikonze.zonse zikuthera konko
whether he built churches or started Rainbow TV or Companies and do humanitarian Aid,koma ngati amachita zakuba he has to be jailed. if you go to chichiri and other prisons kuli anthu oti theywere found guilty but mbiri yawo amapanganso zinthu zabwino.
He didn’t start Rainbow TV..ndalama zakuba amagulira chimanga gaku
Truth. I wish people would stop casting Bushiri as a victim. He is famous for the wrong things, putting Malawians on the map for the wrong reasons. I used to travel and Malawian passport was one of the most respected ones in the world. Now everyone has tainted and damaged the ever friendly and trustworthy reputation of Malawians. Not that a passport would over-ride any countries immigration laws but Malawians used to have easy Visas, to the US Until fake reverends like Apostle SS Ndovi damaged the reputation, by inviting hordes of over stayers to the us under religious visa… Read more »
Let’s not sit and watch xenophobia at higher level, this is what it is, let’s call a spade a spade, South africans are not ready to mix with immigrants despite other African nations helping them out during the apartheid. Let Malawi government help bail out bushiri.
A con artist is a con artist we don’t need him here he can rot in South Africa
Apart from the court justices that made us proud recently, our global ambassadors are Mwai Kumwenda, Malawi Netball Team, Shepherd Bushiri, Madonna. Ambassadors like these give our country a good name. You don’t have to like Bushiri, but every where I have travelled, I have been greeted enthusiastically by his followers when they heard I come from Malawi. I even have had taxis reducing costs; supporters wearing Bushiri bangles asking if they can make a pilgrimage to Mzuzu. He is our biggest export, and by now the Minister of Justice and Attorney General should have been on the plane to… Read more »