Wilson Khembo’s ‘Surviving Anarchy’ book laments SADC misfortunes
The newly launched book by Malawi’s former Malawi Defence Force (MDF) Officer Wilson Khembo titled ‘Surviving Anarchy’ tackles various issues affecting the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC).
The 607-paged book was published by Skillsway Books. Among others, the book laments absence of foreign policies, regional trade, regional infrastructure development, democracy, governance deficit and rule of law.
Speaking during the launch of the book recently at Ufulu Gardens in Lilongwe, Khembo said book gives a detailed narration of struggles in the SADC region and it has provided some possible solutions to deal with them.
“There is history in this book. People who want to learn about regional relations in the region have to read the book starting from the time of independence up to now. I have addressed some of the intrinsic issues that happen within SADC and why the region is still struggling instead of moving forward despite having some of the best ideas.
Khembo said while SADC is a good idea, it does not give positive results and this is what inspired him to make some recommendations so that the region can change for better.
“I am passionate about Southern Africa. I love Southern Africa and i know that the region has got so much potential. However, we keep on repeating the same mistakes hoping to get different results and this upsets me big time.
“I decided to challenge the status core to come up with this book. In this book i have highlighted what is wrong in the region and how we can get it right,” he said
In his remarks during the launch, a renowned author, writer and journalist Dr. Ken Lipenga said Khembo has cast his net wide enough to capture the crucial issues while still leaving room for further exploration by him or others.
According to Lipenga, Wilson Khembo’s Surviving Anarchy is a well-researched book with well-argued thesis and the author has presented a convincing account of his case and contributed significantly to the ongoing discourse of Sadc.
“This should be a requirement for political and business leaders to read so that they can learn more about one of Africa’s most important organizations,” he said
Khembo left MDF in 2012 and went to the United Kingdom (UK) where he studied international security and terrorism and after that he has worked with various political risk management companies before establishing his firm where they provide services to do with security and political risks.
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