3 get bail over ‘snake pastor’ mayhem charges
Three people were on Thursday given bail after spending four days in police cell for vandalism of property and causing mayhem following false reports that a pastor had turned into a snake.

Lilongwe’s Kanengo police assistant publicist Salome Chibwana said the three have since been charged with vandalism of property and conduct likely to cause breach of peace.
She said the suspects are expected to appear in court where they will answer the charges.
Several people were injured and property damaged after an irate crowd wanted to see Pastor Foster Mbale who was said to have turned into a snake.
The people accused the pastor of being satanic and were baying for his blood.
Police used teargas to disperse the people and Mbale was whisked away to safety.
The pastor wondered why people could think that he was capable of turning into a snake, a sign of devil in the Bible believed by Christians to have brought evil and suffering on earth after the snake, Biblically known as serpent deceived Eve, whom the Christians believe is the first woman on earth, to eat a forbidden fruit in Eden she shared with Adam, believers say is the first man God ever created on earth.
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Ndimwana wasatana ameneyo
dasandukadi uyo mbale ife tidali konko osatizimene ukunenaZo ayi wakupatsindalama eti za chitsiru eti ngati simudziwa ntchito yamtolo nkhani osasiya bwanji
Mwini moyo adzaweruza mphulupulu zanu kamba kusandutsa dzina lake ngati njira yopezera ndalama.
anthu auzeni zoona…nokha munkati anali ku nyumba nthawi imene zumachitika…pano mukuti ananuthawitsa…tinve ziti…the truth shall prevail
in the first story u told us that mbale wz at hz home watching tv and nw u r saying that he wz whisked away…..which z which
basi vomelani anthu anaona munayaluka basi takudziwani
How were the three identified among 3,000 and above people
why giving bail to these liars
Auzeni zoona anthu a prophet, zinachitika basi, kungoti kachizimba kanasokonekera pang’ono