3 women convicted in harassment case: To be sentenced at Lilongwe Magistrate Court
The Nkukula Second Grade Magistrate Court has today (Wednesday) 25th October 2017 convicted three women namely Thokozani Msiska (27), Zelipher Phiri (27) and Rodness Chisale (40) who are answering two charges of acts intended to cause grievance harm and Insulting modesty of a woman.
Kanengo Police Public Relations Officer (PRO) Inspector Laban Makalani told Nyasa Times on Wednesday that the medical report revealed that the victim sustained bruises in her face and thighs.
He further revealed that the report indicated that she also had bruises in her privates that were discharging blood which is an indication that an object was forced into her vagina.
During the Wednesday Court proceedings, State Prosecutor Sub Inspector Charles Elias applied that the case be transfered to Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate Court since the judge handling the case at Nkukula Second Grade Magistrate Ezekiel Kantikana is only mandated to pass judgement not exceeding 10 years.
“Due to the gravity of the case, our prosecutor applied that the case be transferred to Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate Court for sentencing. The application was successfull and judgement will be passed at a date to be announced later,” Makalani told Nyasa Times.
Msiska, Phiri and Chisale on 18th October coaxed 40 year woman (Name Withheld) from her house to Msiska’s residence in Area 25 where she was harrassed, assaulted and striped naked.
The victim was accused of disclosing Msiska’s HIV Sero Status to the general public.
Msiska and Chisale pleaded guilty to both charges during the first court appearance while Phiri pleaded guilt only to one charge of insulting modesty of a woman.
She however made a U-turn on Wednesday and reversed her earlier decision only to plead guilty to all the two offence.
Way Forward
The three will appear before Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate Court at a date to be announced later where judgement will be passed.
They are currently remanded at Maula Prison.
Msiska hails from Enukweni Village, T/A Mtwalo in Mzimba and Phiri hails from Santhe Village T/A Zulu in Mchinji while Chisale comes from Gonthi Village T/A Kamenyagwaza in Dedza District.
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These women must be punished with stiff penalty I saw the video clip and I am so sorry to the victim. It’s shame to the three but on the video it’s not only three but there are more than three. Ooooooho shame to them
Kupemphera ndi kwa bwino; with God all this could be simply avoided. The man you were fighting for will continue his life while comforting the woman you humiliated. Life is unfair….now its like…”I should have known….” Well, you can start all over again. Not all lost for God will hear your prayer. Most of the things that happen to people are avoidable, but sometimes we are overwhelmed by circumstances. But then we need too fight from within and win the war of self-destruction…that is called self-control… Amen!
let them rot in jail,makamaka uyo wa 40yrs ndi neba wanga koma eishi mavuto.
aliyense adzadya thukuta lake.
The maximum sentence is 14 yrs for this case. Let them dance to the tune of the law
Zoziputa dala.Sometimes better let sleeping dogs lie
Let the law take its course
so Nkulula magistrate can not met out sentences of more than 10 yrs. Eeeh azimai awa ayembekezere 15 yrs stretch at maula.
Mmene azikatuluka kumeneko mabumbu atachita kangaude kuti palibenso angawakwere, asaaa