Mutharika announces Covid-19 cash package for the poor: Says Malawi to restrict movements

President Peter Mutharika on Tuesday announced government will be spending to help the country’s poor survive as restricting of movement of people starts to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.

President Mutharika: For me, the right to life is supreme above all other rights

He said in national address Tuesday evening that despite the lockdown being blocked by the court, on its part government will proceed to do what is necessary to save lives as circumstances warrant.

“For me, the right to life is supreme above all other rights,” he said.

He said government will be “proceeding to restrict the movement of people.”

But he said government has put measures to cushion the citizens to survive life under restrictions on their movements.

The President said vulnerable households will get K35 000 a month for three months of curbs to life.

Mutharika said government is also introducing an Emergency Cash Transfer program to serve small scale businesses in and around our major markets in Blantyre,  Lilongwe, Mzuzu, Zomba and others.

“This is an extended cash transfer program facility to support Malawians who depend on the markets for them to survive,” he said.

He said government will target a minimum of 172 000 households in these areas, representing an estimated 35 percent of the urban population.

“Considering family size of around 5 people based on the 2018 Household Census, this will translate to just a million people will be reached with this measure,” he said.

The Malawi leader said the program will be implemented for a period of six months translating into three months of response and three months of recovery.

“Each identified household will be paid  electronically through mobile payments K35 000 per month and the amount is based on the prevailing government minimum wage rate,” announced Mutharika.

The President said his has directed Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning  and Development, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and Ministry of Population and Social Welfare to devise an implementation process which will include  registration of households in the hotspot areas and its immediate implementation behind the month of May 2020.

In addition to the emergency cash transfers  in the peri-urban areas, President Mutharika said government  will also provide  cash top-up to existing beneficiaries of  Cash Transfer) also known as Mtukula Pakhomo,  an unconditional transfer targeted to ultra-poor, labour-constrained households.

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4 years ago

This is one of mesures to have been put in place before jumping on Lockdown. Now its a mere after thought after a Flopped Lockdown. I doubt if it will ever be implemented, it’s a gimmick for DPP cadets to steal more money. What logistics are there to implement the project???? Which organization will take up this task???? So many questions can be asked to show that its a gimmick to hoodwink Malawians!!!!

4 years ago

Great thanks 👍👍, good mission we expected this from the government that cares about her people. My advice is the protocol for the distribution of the packages . Make sure it teaches the right people, don’t add in the process process politics it’s saving lives. Mafumu nso athu dyera too much amalembana pachibale Ngati Mene amachitila ndi ma coupon a fertilizer abambo akazi ana achemwa alongo awo okhaokha ndiomwe amalandila njala osatha. Ena apezelapo mipamba apa.

4 years ago

APM your love for your people is tangible and God will always be on your side, he will never leave you alone – therefore be strong and of good courage even though your enemies are digging a grave for you do not fear the lord will fight on your behalf and that grave will be for them. As they wish you bad God has good plans for your life that’s why he choose you to be the President of this Nation and as long as Jehovah Yahweh reigns the whole world you shall be on that position for the next… Read more »

4 years ago

Boma ilo. Chlima and Chakwera mpwererere

4 years ago

Mgeme Kalilani (the president’s mouthpiece) terms Chilima’s suggestions on fighting COVID-19 pandemic “empty”. His boss, president Peter Mutharika, includes the very empty suggestions in his new approach to fighting COVID-19. Is this boy speaking for the president? I’m bewildered!

4 years ago
Reply to  Kakhuta

The government had already said they were working on a package before that lunatic Chilima spoke his rubbish speech.

4 years ago
Reply to  Hannah

The folly of government was in implementing a lock-down before cushioning the poor with the so called package.

4 years ago


Peter Mithi
Peter Mithi
4 years ago

Zibedwanso izi ndi ma Cadet a DPP.

Kalvin kaliwamba
Kalvin kaliwamba
4 years ago

Only DPP cadets and followers will benefit from thispackage.And am not sure if this package will reach the poor

4 years ago

Out of 18 million people only one million will receive what?
156bn divide by 18mn equal what?
Tose tilandile.

National CEO
National CEO
4 years ago
Reply to  444444No


4 years ago

My President. Big ups Professor!!!

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