Anglican Bishop strengthen Church through confirmation and induction

Bishop of the Southern Diocese of Malawi Right Reverend Alinafe Kalemba on Sunday conferred confirmation to candidates from Soche and Chilomoni Parishes in Blantyre with a call for commitment so that God’s Ministry continues to grow.

Ven. Mazimbo DOK Diocesan Chaplain
Ven. Mazimbo DOK Diocesan Chaplain
Upper Shire process
Upper Shire process
DOK procession
DOK procession

“This is a great moment and make sure that you fulfil your promises. Let the word of God be spread without borders. Live a life worth emulating in serving the Lord,” he said at a function held at Christ The King Church of the Soche Parish.

During the service, the Bishop also inducted the Executive Committee of the Daughters of the King  (DOK) for the Southern Malawi Anglican Diocese whose Chaplain Reverend Father Dan Mazimbo advised the leaders to conduct themselves in a matter that will make the Guild and the Word of God grow abundantly.

In an interview, Ven. Mazimbo explained that Daughters of The King is an all Women Guild that undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service.

He said: “By reaffirmation of the promises made at Baptism and Confirmation, a Daughter pledges herself to a life-long program of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism, dedicated to the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her Parish”.

Those inducted were Counsellor Nancy Namachapa, President Chimwemwe Helema, her Vice President Rosemary Matchado, Secretary Agnes Zingani, Vice Secretary Nqanibe Medi and Treasurer Agnes Salaka.

Founded in 1885 by Margaret J. Franklin Daughters of the King is a Spiritual Sisterhood of Women dedicated to a life of Prayer, Service and Evangelism who make a commitment to Jesus as their Saviour, and follow Him as Lord of their lives.

Its Motto is ‘For His Sake…I am but one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God I will do. Lord, what will you have me do?’

The coming in by a Missionary, Esther Miller in the 1990s saw the birth of DOK in Malawi with a consent of the Clergy and in 1999 Miller took with her 140 Crosses to Malawi for the installation of new Daughters.

Nyasa Times understands that Miller worked with Josie, wife of Bishop Emeritus Dr. James Tengatenga, who had become a Daughter in 1984 while living in Texas, US, to introduce the Order to the Diocese of Southern Malawi.

The first Chapter was instituted in August 2000 but currently Malawi Chapters have grown rapidly across the four Anglican Dioceses in Malawi. In 2003 the Order created their own National Assembly and chose National Officers.

At the Service of Admission, a new Daughter receives the cross of the Order as a mark of her membership. It is a modified Greek Fleury cross, inscribed in Latin, “Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine,” meaning “With heart, mind and spirit uphold and bear the cross.” At the base of the cross are the letters “FHS”, initials that stand for the Motto of the Order: “For His Sake.”

Each of the four Dioceses in Malawi has a Bishop and its umbrella body, the Anglican Council in Malawi is headed by His Lordship Brighton Vitta Malasa, Bishop of the Diocese of Upper Shire, whereas the Province of Central Africa where Malawi is with Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Botswana is headed by Arch Bishop Albert Chama, a Bishop in Zambia . Head of the Worldwide Anglican Communion Archbishop Justin Welby.

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blessings mazimbo
blessings mazimbo
8 years ago

Munda wa Ambuye zipatso zacha koma wotuta ndi ochepa.

Prince Edward rsa
Prince Edward rsa
8 years ago

Ndakunyadilani a DOK i love you all

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