Another councillor nabbed over cement theft
Police in Phalombe have arrested a ward councillor for allegedly stealing 30 bags of cement meant for a development project in the district.
William Kadzayekha, a senior police officer at Phalombe Poice Station confirmed the arrest of Kaledza Mawere, councillor for Khongoni ward and Edward Maluwa, a foreman for a bridge project.
“Members of the public tipped the police when a businessman pulled up at the project cite with a lorry to collect the bags of cement,” said Kadzayekha.
District Commissioner Paul Kaliombe said the project was funded through district development fund.
In Zomba, a councillor, a village headman, a police officer and a bridge foreman are expected to appear Zomba Magistrate court to answer charges of theft of 84 bags for a bridge development in the district.
Makhansala ndi mbuzi za anthu.
Ndipo ndikanakhala kuti ndine wolamulira, makhansala onse ndi out basi coz palibe chomwe ndikuona choposera kudanisa anthu basi.
kodi ku Namwera kuno sangabwere omwe amafufuzawo? Nawo afufuze kuti ku Namwera kuti ziri pati. Anyani amenewa akutizunza kwabasi. Waiting
That’s why Bingu was refusing to conduct local council elections, he knew that these people are just a burden to the Nation. Shame on them
alomwe woyee
Treat every Malawian as guilty until proven innocent and never treat a Malawian as innocent until proven guilty. Dziko lawola ili.
Are councilors really necessary in Malawi
Watsala Maliwatha Kwa Nambazo
Lhomwe belt issues. DPP woyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!