Arrest Wandale, demands chiefs over ‘sovereign State’ calls: United States of Thyolo and Mulanje

Leader of People’s Land Organisation (PLO), Vincent Wandale, has been branded  an outcast by  senior chiefs from Mulanje and Thyolo for calling on the two tea growing districts  to become a ‘sovereign state’  over land wrangles.

Ngongoliwa: Wandale is an outcast and thief, he should be arrested
Ngongoliwa: Wandale is an outcast and thief, he should be arrested

Wandale has said Malawi Government as well as President Peter Mutharika have failed to resolve the long-standing land wrangle between communities and tea estate owners in populous Thyolo and Mulanje districts where most of the arable land is taken up by tea estates and will now seek declaration of the two districts to be a standalone state-nation.

His calls comes after  a campaign for  Thyolo and Mulanje people’s occupation of all idle land owned by tea estates.

Wandale said the ‘new country’ would be called “African Traditionalist Republic of the United States of Thyolo and Mulanje (MUST).”

He argues that “a lot of futile meetings have been conducted between government PLO representative at all levels to resolve our issue.”

Wandale said the chiefs “have no mandate” to stop his activism.

But traditional leaders  : who met on Thursday  at Senior Chief Ngolongoliwa’s Ntunda Wosema headquarters in Thyolo have branded Wandale a thief, and an outcast, saying he wants  to bring disorder in the country.

“As chiefs, we are the custodians of the people but all of us do not know him and his conduct request police to investigate and arrest him so that he properly explains his bizarre actions,” said Ngolongoliwa.

He said Police should arrest Wandele for conduct likely to cause breach of peace in his demand for Thyolo and Mulande to have self-rule and that he was also “swindling people’s money under the pretence that he will give them land.”

The meeting was also attended by Senior Chief Chikumbu of Mulanje , Inkosi Bvumbwe, senior chiefs Chimaliro, Thomas and traditional authorities (T/As) Nchilamwera, Kapichi and Mphuka from Thyolo.

Others who attended were senior chiefs Mkanda and Mabuka and T/A Mthiramanja from Mulanje.

PLO demands local people’s occupation of all idle land on top of demanding estates owners to pay £65 (about K53 000) per acre per year for all used colonial estate land from 1914.

The organisation has also been demanding from the estates owners a wage rate of £6.13 per hour (about K5000) per individual for those who were involved in Thangata (bonded labour) between 1914 and 1963.

Malawi’s tea industry, started by colonial masters in the 1800s, occupies thousands of hectares believed to have been grabbed from natives. The industry is also one of the most productive in the world.

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Think Twice
8 years ago

Do you know that tea is now the second on bringing forex in this country? The industry pays much tax to the government. An everage worker gets about 18000 in two weeks. The industry employs so many people and huge sum of money inform of tax is paid to the government. Think critically before coming up with issues like these. It is just my concern because other people can think like goats like this. Education is indeed important.

8 years ago

A Ngolongoliwa sindinu muLomwe chifukwa Petro akulephera kutchula dzina lanu, koma Wandale akumutchula bwino. Alhomwe, alhomwe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 years ago

Mafumu umbuli. “Idle land [malo omwe sakugwiritsidwa ntchito]” Kaya bwinobwino pamenepa?? Malowa apatsidwe kwa ana anu, adzukulu anu. Mwachidule athu anu. Basi amangidwe Wandale! Mwasuta fodya wa boma???
Osangotitu zilizonse tikhale mbali ya boma. Mudzalolanazo kuzulidwa mwanotu zimenezi.

Tamuthandizani Wandale-yo akumenyera ufulu wabwino kt mbumba zikhale nipolima komaxo pokhala.

Muli dyooo mafumu aku Mulanje Ni Thyolo.

Nathan k
Nathan k
8 years ago

Ngolongoliwa atikwana heavy kodi ndi mfumu or wandale walowa lit ufumu ameneyu

8 years ago

Kupusa a lomwe ife Kasungu Kamuzu atangotenga boma analanda achina Barrow malo onse amene amangokhala ku katunda chizinga kandawula. Mtunda kuchokera kwa kawamba kukafika Kwa Nyaza. Thyoloyo kuchepa. Lero aKasungu akulimamo. koma inu President wa ku thyolo wanu wanu kulephera kukambirana ndi Ma estate kuti inu mupeze polima. Mantha ndi azungu. Mfumu ndiye nkumati m’mangeni Ameneyo. Negative uzilu werewo bolanso midyomba page mangochi.

8 years ago

The proposed name itself tells alot. Komanso mumutengenso Peter wanu ife watikwana.

Dalitso Mpuzeni
Dalitso Mpuzeni
8 years ago

Why should he be arrested you idiots? Ngolingoliwa is beginning to bahave bigger than Malawi and thinks he has the power to command the police to arrest people, ufiti chiyani? Leave the man alone you idiots.

8 years ago

Really arrest Wandale for causing bleach of peace amongst not only residennts of these districts but all Malawian. That again tantamount to treason

8 years ago

Mafumu Opanda Nzeru mukufuna amumange Wandale chifukwa chani? Kanidi ndinu Mbuzi eti? Amumanga pa Mlandu woti Chani? Munthu kukhala activist ndiye Mpaka amangidwe? Inu osangomusiya azichita Yekha zakezo bwanji Mpaka atope????????/ Mafumu A Mulakho Kudontha kwambiri pamodzi ndi Mbwiyanu opanda Mano Mkamwayo kkkkkkk

8 years ago

Although I do not support Wandale, but these are the most foolish traditional leaders not only in Malawi but Africa. By the way do these chiefs have customary land to distribute to their subjects? They sold all the land. So instead of apologizing to this new generation that has found no land, they are disowning their own descendants. Foolishness at its best. ine sindimasekerera zopusa. Mapazi anu.

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