Bamusi warns PAC indaba against resignation calls, ultimatums for Malawi President
Presidential advisor on civil society has warned delegates to the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) indaba which starts Wednesday to desist from calling on President Peter Mutharika to resign or giving him ultimatums.

The presidential aide, Mabvuto Bamusi said instead, urged the delegates to discuss issues with sober minds in order to come up with resolutions that can make Malawi move forward.
“We should have collective responsibility for the problems affecting our country. Calling upon the president to resign or giving him unnecessary ultimatums is not the way to go,” he said.
He said the government has high respect for PAC, saying this is why senior cabinet ministers would be attending the meeting in Blantyre.
“This tendency of finger pointing is not helpful,” said Bamusi, saying the government is ready to listen to all resolutions made at the conference and if possible offer solutions.
Delegates are expected to discuss the political landscape, the economy and food scarcity that has hit the nation.
“Delegates to the meeting should also be able to listen to the government, to listen to the steps the government is taking to address the problems,” Bamusi said.
PAC spokesperson Father Peter Mlomole faulted Bamusi, saying he was putting words in delegates’ mouths.
“No one has said the President should resign, no one has issued ultimatums, where did the delegates say this? Let the meeting run its course,” said Mlomole.
Mlomole said all the delegates are Malawians and the government should let them discuss issues freely
. On reports that some civil society groups are allegedly up against the meeting, Mlomole said they are exercising their freedom to disagree with PAC saying that is normal in democracy.
A  grouping of 30 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)  – mostly been deemed pro-Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) government -under the banner of Civil Society Platform for Constructive Dialogue (CSP-CD) accused PAC of being against government but providing no solutions to the country’s socio-political environment.
Mulomole said PAC does not serve individual interests but serve the public.
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Haha this Bamusi guy is a clown. He is talking about pointing fingers . Really Bamusi? This man is forgetting that his administration has been blaming everyone else for the economic problems our country is facing. Isn’t it funny now he does not believe in finger pointing? What a hypocrite.
ladies and gentlemen aside Saulosi amuna amu DDP ali beautiful chaponda, bamusi, mwanamveka, mussa, the list is endless ujeni uyu kkkkkkk
Mavuto Bamusi ali buuuuu kutuwa ndi modza ngati mafuta kulibeko ku DPP
Guys, Musiyeni uyu Bamusi, mwana wosamva
A Bamusi ndinu achitsirunso dele.
Mabvuto Bamusi is one of the useless guys who are betraying our clueless president. You better sgut up your stupid mouth Bamusi otherwise you are making us more angry with your senseless talk.
There was a time when the likes of Mabvuto Bamusi, Collins Magalasi used to feature on MEJN program trying to articulate economic issues. I took them for intelligent people. I was wrong. Now they are both president advisors and I wonder where all that has gone especially against the economic turmoil the country is going through. Too theoretical!
Bamusi ndi munthunso yemwe samakonda ziko lathu la Malawi, Kamuthu kadyera kwambili. Cholinga cha Bamusi ndikukhala pa udindo basi or Amalawi onse atafa kakhoza kukakamira udindo. President Peter Muthalika ndi wabwino kwambili, koma anazungulilidwa ndi anthu oyipa kwambili okonda udindo kuposa dziko lawo. who dont care about Malawians, unpatriotic thugs; but udindo basi. Afiti, ana anjoka, Alusifara, ana a beliyali, Dzinkhanila dzokhadzokha. Kuchita kupangira kondaine kuti adzisankhe unduna ndi u adviser. Kumangompasa Chidima Nsogoleri wathu kuti asakuchoseni udindo. Olo lero Bill Gates atati apereke $5 billion yothandizila malawi koma achepese ma advisers zikhoza kukana. cholinga zilamulire basi. AGULUKUNYIDA INU
Iwe bamusi! Mutu ngati chibhama. Who are you to gag freedom of expression. Wakhuta mbwanda eti. Zingophwisa uko!