Catholic church closes down Kachebere Major Seminary
Over 140 student seminarians are being sent home as the Catholic Church is closing down Kachebere Major Seminary in Mchinji due to major staffing problems.
Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) secretary general Father Henry Saindi said there are seven lecturers against 140 students.
“In addition, we don’t have qualified lectures to teach philosophy. This is why the bishops have written Rome and other continental bodies such as Amacea to help us with philosophy lectures. As you might be aware, Kachebere is the only Catholic education institution which majors in philosophy,” said Saindi.
He said the chairman of board of directors of Kachebere and all the bishops and the papal envoy for Malawi and Zambia have all agreed for the temporary closure to give time for the search of qualified lectures.
ECM spokesman said some of the lecturers had joined the Catholic University.
Father Saindi said when the students go for Easter Holidays, they will not return until more lecturers have been recruited.
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Why don’t you search for qualified lecturers while students are on campus? Are you sure lack of lecturers is the only problem? Come out clearly so that you get the needed assistance
At times it is in these institutions that those being taught are taught the real truth from the Bible. But then they are told not to reveal it to the Catholic church members as it is… sad.
Point of correction Fr. Saindi, Kachebere is not the only Catholic philosophical institution in Malawi. There is also Inter-Congregational Institute in Balaka (ICI) offering the same course to Catholic missionary students. Actually, I thought the ECM would suggest an exchange of lecturers between the two institutions instead of closing the institution.
Its unfortune that priest may choose to teach at Catholic university than at seminary. My question is they go under whose authority? Again what is the priority of the church to teach at CU and at Seminary?
Wat do u mean? Why don’t you first find out wat they teach there at the CU before you comment? Kachebere specialises in Philosophy. Those lecturing at the Catholic University are teaching other courses that they specialised in, mostly Theology, not Philosophy. Please, muziyamba mwafufuza musanayankhule. Or may be you don’t even know the difference between the two.
Let’s take education as a priority as a church. I am ashamed that the whole crew of priests that we have, in Malawi we can’t get or educate philosopher’s?
Mu ulamulilo wa Fr. Saindi,mbiri idzalemba ndili ana anthu adzawerenga kuti Kachebere Major Seminary inatsekedwa.George Buleya anali Dolo.Amawalangiza ma Bishop za nzeru.Saindi samba zonena anzake…..
Saindi is not a bishop. He is just SG of the ECM. He doesn’t make such decisions. It is the bishops’ prerogative, not his. That is why it is them that have closed it too. Nanga kalata yotseka walemba ndi iyeyo ngati? Ndipo kusowa wa ma lecturer sikumabwera nthawi imodzi. Mavuto amenewa ndiye kuti anyamba kale. Mwina they were just neglected by akuluakulu amumpingowa. This time angotumphukira poyera coz the situation has worsened.
U Hav Dismissed Lots Of Students For No Apparent Reasons, Some Of These Wud Be The Philosophy Lecturers Today. To Hell With Your Seminary.
Oh! My God! Rev. Fr. Prof. Patrick Thawale, where are you?
The church was busy giving ultimatums forgeting their core functions in the process. The church blames GOVT on maladimnistration of universities. Is closing ST Johns (Mangochi) and Kachebere Major Seminaries what you call good governance? Please stop double standards. Shame to us all.
That’s agood idea.