CCJP orients child protection workers on child Act

Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) Chikhwawa Diocese has appealed to its Community Based Educators (CBEs) and government child protection workers to be active and familiarized with Child care, support and justice Act for them to discharge their duties properly.
The appeal was made during the closure of three-days training of CBEs and child protection workers on Friday at Matechanga Motel in the district.
Child Justice Magistrate for the district, Smart Maruwasa commended CCJP with funding from Plan Malawi for conducting the training with the aim of sensitizing CBEs and child protection workers on the new child protection Act.
“My appeal to the trainees is that they should properly sensitize parents, guardians and all responsible persons looking after the children on what is contained in the new Child Protection Act. We have also urged them to report anything which seems to be harm to children in their respective areas to make sure that children are well protected,” he said.
Maruwasa said the new Child Act provides penalties to irresponsible parents, guardians and any other responsible persons who fail to provide basic necessities to their children’s such as food, health care, clothing among others.
“The new Child Act also provides 24 months imprisonment of any perpetrator to fails to look after the children with basic needs. There is a need to publicize this new Act so that every citizen should be aware of it and understand who is a child according to the country’s constitution,” he said.
In his remarks CCJP Chikhwawa Diocesan Secretary, Lewis Msiyadungu apart from CBEs and child protection workers, the training drew together some traditional leaders from traditional authority Mlilima and Sub-Chief Ndakwera.
“The aim of including the chiefs is to urge them to be part and parcel of implementing action plan in the elimination of any form of abuse which affects the children’s in their respective areas,” said Msiyadungu.
He then called on for all child protection structures in the district to work together in bring the culprits of child abuse to justice.
“There is a need to bring all the offenders of child justice to court. You are supposed to be working together with the community policing structures to apprehend all the perpetrators,” he said.
CCJP Diocesan Secretary called on all political party leaders to avoid using children in causing political chaos and violence ahead of the forthcoming tripartite elections campaign period.
Representative of participants, Harry Chisaka described the training as an eye opener as he said it has helped most of the child protection workers and CBEs to know the challenges which most children face in their respective homes.
“I am calling upon various stakeholders in the district to work in collaboration in implementing action plan regarding Child Protection to achieve its intended goal,” he said.
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