Chakwera mourns Magufuli first Tanzanian president to die in office: Malawi leader says he was ‘towering symbol of Africa’s economic resurgence’
President Lazarus Chakwera has sent an emotional message of condolences to Tanzanians following the death of their leader John Pombe Magufuli who died of Covid-19- related complications yesterday.

Chakwera says Magufuli was a towering symbol of Africa’s economic resurgence, saying his passing was an incalculable loss to the continent.t
“As Malawi joins Tanzania in mourning this loss over the next 14 days, we pray for uncommon strength and fortitude for the people of Tanzania and their government as they ahead together in the spirit of unity and in a manner that maintains peace and stability,” says Chakwera.
He says the government of Malawi stands ready to render any support needed by the government of Tanzania in the aftermath of Magufuli’s passing.
The Malawi leader holds fond memories of Magufuli who hosted him and his entourage just four months ago in Dar es Salaam, during an official visit.
Malawians have taken up in various social media platforms to express their sorrow at the passing of the divisive Covid-19 skeptic who ruled Tanzania as a semi-dictator.
Magufuli had not been seen in public for more than two weeks as rumours grew that he had contracted Covid-19.
Vice President Samia Suluhu Hassan said on Wednesday that Magufuli died from the heart disease that had plagued him for a decade.
She said burial arrangements were under way and announced 14 days of mourning and the flying of flags at half-mast. State television broadcast mournful and religious songs.
Magufuli, a former chemistry teacher, had mocked coronavirus tests, denounced vaccines as part of a Western conspiracy to take Africa’s wealth, and opposed mask-wearing and social distancing.
He was Tanzania’s first president to die while in office.
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What m’busa wabodza, did you learn from Magulfuli? Yes, Magulfuli improved Tanzanians lives, but you m’busa waboza have brought ruin to our nation.
I fault him for discrediting science and somehow believing that God will just miraculously stop the covid-19 virus from entering Christians bodies (as he put it), ignorant. He failed to understand (just like the many thick) that God is now using these scientists (angels) to warn people and help in dealing with such diseases.
I also detested his oppressing and curtailing of the peoples freedoms.
But in the end, his ignorance has not only costed life, but sadly of many others.
Inu a MCP plus atumbuka, I hope you are able to see how opposition parties are mourning Magufuli their icon. Sizija munkachita inu zija zomapha ng’ombe ati kusangalala kuti Bingu wamwalira. How could you celebrate the death of a development icon like Bingu? Are you not ashamed on how TZ is mourning their hero despite being in opposition parties? Agalu atumbuka inu.
Why are you jealous of Tumbukas
Stinking dog.
Stop kutukwana. I know that you Alhomwe came from Mozambique.
Just be careful what you say from your shity mouth. Malawi is for every one.
Zinalakwika Koma osakwiya ndikunyoza anzanu. Mukanagwiritsa chisanzochi pophunzitsa ena.
ynde anthu nkumafusa kutikodi wafa litilo Magufuliyu.
eh amabisa
eh anhu amafusanakunali vacuum presdent.
ndiiithu ndikanakhala ine ndikanangoti duu zavuta.
siticebwa kuiwalaaaaaa
He is the first Tanzanian president to die in office not was the first
That’s what they do to those who refuse to cooperate with their evil schemes. Magufuli knew and understood their dirty hands
another stupid, dull thinker you
The West you mean?
So sad
John Pombe Magufuli was an idiot who used popularism to advance his short term, short sited agendas. He allowed a lot of Tanzanians to die of Covid. Do not feel sorry for him. Tanzania is better off without him. I hope God can quickly assess our situation too with our liar in chief. Ambuye mukondetsetseni, mutengeni mkulu wakukasiyayu. Azikamwa tea ndi Magufuli
Agreed 100 percent. And I feel sorry for Malawi. We have a lot of idiots here. Many of them are pretending to be mourning if you check WhatsApp statuses today. Many of these are suck in the head
You must be an idiot. People who have brains will know what is best for them