Chakwera refused access to Kamuzu Central Hospital
In a surprising twist of events, new hospital director for Kamuzu Central Hospital, Dr. Grace Chiudzu refused to allow Malawi Congress Party (MCP) president Dr. Lazarus Chakwera visit the mortuary or even see her to understand and appreciate the problems at the referral hospital.
Chakwera sent an advance party of Director of Campaign Felix Jumbe and his Deputy Joseph Njobvuyalema to make arrangements with the management of the hospital but Chiudzu who was in office on her first day refused to let Chakwera visit the hospital so that she could ask permission from “capital hill”.
“I am new in this office so on advice from the hospital administrator we must first seek permission from the ministry. You can leave your contacts so we can get back to you. But for today, it won’t be possible.

“As doctors we like to play it safe, I have to contact Capital Hill before he comes,” said Chiudzu.
A visibly angry Njobvuyalema asked the new hospital director why she was politicising the whole situation as to him KCH is a public institution and anyone can come and visit.
“I think you have misunderstood the gesture as a political engagement. Rev. Chakwera is just a very touched person, he has just flown in from the USA and wants to come here straight.
“The events surrounding the mortuary and operating theatre happened when he was abroad and wants to get the real picture, thus the whole reason he is coming here’ nothing political. It may even beneficial to you and the hospital,” explained Njobvuyalema.
But in her response Chiudzu refused to badge, she stood her ground on following procedure and booking an appointment.
“I am sorry honourable but I must follow procedure. You know the whole element that he is just coming in mean the media m=is following him and for us to allow him here without permission from Capital Hill will not be good. For the ministry to read about it in the media before us telling them will have negative attributes on us,” she said.
Jumbe resolved that they cancel the visit and arrange a ‘procedural’ appointment for a later date.
“Let’s not make this a big deal, you now have our contacts, make the necessary arrangements and let us know when we can come. Better still, we have your number, we will call to follow up,” he told Chiudzu.
It is believed that during his visit to the USA, Chakwera met well-wishers who want to assist the hospital.
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