Chief of Malawi Prisons fired

Chief Commissioner Prisons in Malawi Kennedy Nkhoma has been relieved of his duties with immediate effect, Nyasa Times has learnt.

Fired Nkhoma (left) with President Mutharika
Fired Nkhoma (left) with President Mutharika

According to highly placed sources from the Home Affairs and Internal Security Ministry, Nkhoma, ex-husband to second deputy Speaker of Parliament Esther Mcheka Chilenje, Monday late afternoon received an instruction from authorities that he must stop acting in a capacity as Chief of Malawi Prison Services.

The source confided in Nyasa Times that it is not clear as to whether Nkhoma will be redeployed within the civil service or will be sent packing to early retirement.

“The Chief Commissioner of Prisons (Kennedy) Nkhoma has been fired from his post and he has been told to relinquish his duties with immediate effect and that a further direction will be given on his future. For now it is not clear if he will be redeployed or retired,” said the source who opted for anonymity.

The source further disclosed that Nkhoma may be ‘warehoused’ to the Home Affairs Ministry headquarters pending the next course of action.

Pakadali pano, azikayenda bawo ku likulu la Unduna la za chitetezo (Ministry of Home Affairs Headquarters) akudikira kuwuzidwa chochita,” said the source with sarcasm.

Malawi Prison Services Public Relations Officer Evance Phiri when contacted to comment on the matter, he refused to divulge any details but he could neither deny nor confirm the matter.

“I am sorry I cannot comment on that now, call me tomorrow. I am busy with something at the moment,” said the Malawi Prison Services publicist.

The Malawian President with powers vested in him can hire and fire a Chief Commissioner of Prisons, Chief Immigration Officer, Inspector General of Police and Army Commander anytime he or she deems fit to do so.

However, Nyasa Times understands that at the moment the deputy Chief Commissioner of Prisons, Little Mtengano is now the acting Chief Commissioner of Prisons.

Inside sources at Malawi Prisons headquarters told Nyasa Times that Nkhoma’s sacking has been overdue because prison officers across the country did not want him and on several occasions they penned the ministry to have him removed from the top post.

“To be honest, Nkhoma’s removal has been long coming. Nobody liked him. Everybody complained against him and on many occasions we have written the ministry to remove him but for a long time our cries were falling on deaf ears,” said one prison warder from Zomba Maximum prison.

“We are relieved he is now gone and we hope sanity will return to Malawi prisons. He is good riddance to bad rubbish,” rejoined a senior prison officer also from Zomba Prison.


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9 years ago

Pamalawi tsopano

tikubwera ku prison komweko

guys pochosana ntchito tiyen tiziganizirana

9 years ago

Mtengano has been given an assignment to eliminate Kasambala. Kennedy was handling him softly hence the chop. Ask me who was present when Mtengano was being given his letter of appointment? Civil Society there are issues boiling in DPP Civilians watch. Kasambala has a lot of info regarding DPP cash gate. Musova. More than meet the eye.

9 years ago

Ayamba kale kukagwila ntchito usiku anzawo a kugona a mtengano ndi a wiskot. Devils at work .God will punish u.Ken continue fearing God he will make u shine like a star

9 years ago

Mumafuna kumachosa anthu ntchito pomwe anthu ena akayamba kukufufuzani mmadipatimenti anuwo mumaopa kuonekera poyera kuti ndinu a cashgate.

9 years ago

Mlomwe alowe mbwalo tsopano

9 years ago

Who is that man peeping the camera behind the president? That man who seems to follow a private conversation between Nkhoma and the president? Can you tell me his name please?

Nyirongo Batwell
Nyirongo Batwell
9 years ago

Amene mukunena za Alomwe answer me. Just recently Govt has given three top posts to Chewas from central region. CEO for tobacco control commission, Accountant General, CEO Of Lilongwe City Council. Where is the nepotism here? Kennedy Nkhoma had serious problems in managing the Prison Service. Let him go elsewhere. Afterall he remains a Govt employee. Akampeza mlomwe wina anathamangitsidwa ku Immigration dzina lake Hudson Mankhwala. This mlomwe was replaced by Mchewa Masauko Medi. If APM was nepotistic he wouldnt replace Mankhwala who is a Lomwe with Medi a Chewa. If anybody whether chewa or lomwe misbehaves he shld be… Read more »

Lawrent mghogho
9 years ago

Zooooooona asowe

9 years ago

Stars dont struggle to shine…. even in the dark they shine .. U r a chosen Gods star… u wl ever shine

9 years ago

Akuluwa amapangana ndi PP MP nkhatabay central Raphael mhone zopusa ati anange prison next to new hospital in nkhatabay

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