Chihana’s Outrageous Call for Withdrawal of Malawian Troops from DRC: A Short-Sighted and Irresponsible Demand

In what can only be described as an irresponsible and short-sighted demand, Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) President Enock Kanzingeni Chihana has urged the Malawian government to immediately withdraw its soldiers from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Chihana’s call follows the tragic loss of five Malawi Defence Force (MDF) soldiers in a recent attack by M23 rebels, but to suggest retreating from a vital peacekeeping mission in the wake of tragedy is both reckless and misguided.

Chihana’s emotional outburst, filled with unsubstantiated criticism, claims the soldiers have no clear objectives, painting them as pawns in a game of regional politics. Yet, in his rambling statement, he fails to provide any real evidence to back this accusation. Does he think peacekeeping efforts in a volatile region like the DRC come without risks? Has he forgotten that these soldiers are volunteers—protecting lives, including those of countless civilians in a conflict that the world has largely ignored?

Chihana dramatically claims that the soldiers are our sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, and brothers, and they deserve dignity. Of course, they do! But who does he think they’re fighting for? The soldiers on the ground are not just Malawi’s sons and daughters; they are also standing in defense of innocent lives in the DRC, part of the Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) collective peacekeeping mission. These soldiers are fighting to protect vulnerable civilians from the brutal forces of the M23 rebels and other armed groups.

Rather than questioning the entire mission, why doesn’t Chihana ask: what’s the alternative? Abandoning the mission would not only endanger the lives of Malawian soldiers but also give free rein to the very forces destabilizing the region. Is Chihana prepared to answer for the loss of lives that would follow such a hasty retreat?

Chihana’s call is also out of touch with the broader objectives of the SADC, which has deployed troops to the region in a coordinated effort to stabilize eastern DRC and protect civilians. The conflict is not a game of chess—it is a life-or-death struggle for millions.

At a time when Malawi’s military personnel are making sacrifices to protect regional peace, Chihana should be questioning how we can better support our troops, not undermining their efforts with careless rhetoric. Rather than inflaming tensions, he should be advocating for more strategic ways to strengthen peace efforts, not demand an abandonment of the mission.

Chihana’s demand is not only a slap in the face to our brave soldiers but a disservice to the peace and stability of the entire region. It’s time he came to terms with the realities of regional peacekeeping and supported the efforts of the men and women who are sacrificing for the greater good.

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