Chilima must be candid: A critique to Malawi veep’s national address
Vice-President Saulos Chilima graced our eyes and ears Sunday night with a televised national address that failed to provide answers, or clear direction, to two critical issues that have trapped this country in a stalemate.

One, the secrecy surrounding the management of COVID-19 by government is becoming a serious public concern, as such, Chilima should have come out gun-blazing on this.
Secondly, in the wake of COVID-19, how do we proceed with elections, especially when we have already witnessed a jaundiced electoral registration system at a time when everybody is supposed to stay home observing social distance.
These two issues, though related, are critical to our times because the road ahead of this country depends on how best we negotiate them.
That is why, when senior leaders, such as Chilima, takes to the podium, we expect them to offer clear direction on these two issues.
In his address, Chilima—rightly so, called the need of an all inclusive approach in managing COVID-19.
The beauty of an all-inclusive approach is that it enhances accountability, transparency and, of course, public trust.
The greatest question of our time, on COVID-19, is the entire financing mechanism of this pandemic.
Unlike in other countries, parliament is yet to convene to scrutinize finances involved in this project.
Government is acting in solitude and no one knows how the finances that keep flowing into this project are being managed.
I expected Chilima, as someone who understands how public finances are managed, to dwell in detail on this, helping the public understand if we are being duped or not by government.
Chilima, unfortunately, only caressed this topic, saying he know finances are being abused by some ministers and all that.
By saying he knows that COVID-19 finances are being abused, what Malawians wanted to hear from him is: One, name and shame those involved; and two, report them to police or Anti Corruption Bureau – ACB.
Chilima’s lukewarm approach to this critical COVID-19 financing is a symbol of cheap politicking that Malawians don’t need at the point in time.
In fact, his approach tells us that he is ready to jump on any burning issue—not to extinguish but to score a political mile without offering anything worth the salt.
That’s bad politicking.
Secondly, on elections, Chilima is candid, saying the fresh elections must go on. Well said.
But, in the same vein, Chilima confirms that COVID-19 is real and you and I knows that the only option available to stop this pandemic is social distancing.
Taking from his word, Chilima isn’t clear on how best we can hold these elections without avoiding public congestion. Can we? That is the question.
Truth be told, we all need these elections. We must have them. But let’s also see the COVID-19 dangers before us and examine if it’s possible to have these elections and, at the same time, observe social distancing.
Already, the registration process is wrought with visible irregularities of registering minors and, in some areas, political thugs stepping in to disturb the entire process.
The fear before us is not just the enhancement of public congestion which is a big risk of contacting or spreading the virus; the fear is that we will end up having a shoddy electoral process that will be shunned by many.
Even worse, the tricky issue of Jane Ansah hasn’t been sorted yet. How do we proceed with her?
These are some of the questions at the heart of most Malawians as the country continues to struggle with the threat of COVID-19 and pending fresh elections.
These are questions that our leaders must address in clear and concise terms not in sheer political cleverness aimed at scoring a political.
I must confess Chilima’s national address Sunday night was just another litany of verbiage aimed at keeping his name a topic in all forums of public discussions.
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To the writer of this article, don’t worry much, every Malawian going to register or during voting should put on masks, rule number one.Social distance 2meters away from each other on the queue .It is possible.On the issue of MEC commissioners blame Peter Munthalika.He is the one who does not want to fire them so that they can use tippex again in favour of DPP and UDF alliance.Dpp and UDF are thieves.Zipani zimenezi zaba ndalama zambiri kuwasiya amalawi atagwira manja kumutu kusamvetsa ndi umphawi.
kodi anthu timathawa chilungamo chifukwa chani? zinthu zikunena zokha. ziwani kuti ukatambatamba kumacha ndipo kwakucherani. lockdown faced a nationwide protest even in nyekhwe stronghold, zidabweni. bodza lonse mumapanga nselimo within munites limakhala ladziwika, zinyumweni. to be honest chilima watsegula a Malawi mmaso. choti mudziwe a Malawi anayera mmaso, musawone ngati ndi ndale za tcheya. I quoted dean of law madise, even in pandemic you can still vote. pano muli pa 4-0 against judiciary, ndiye nkuma nyonyonyo mwatikwana mwamva. viva chilima viva chakwera…… you hold a brighter future for us. a sinzina ntolewa atikwana.
Mukhalila zokokana ma jacket ndi ku lodzana zala mpakana liti, come to South Africa where you copies everything that they do on restrictions fighting the covid19 pandemic and you will also learn from South Africa that they put aside every afflictions the boundaries. The president called on opposition leaders, steakholders, companies and every individual to take part in fighting the covid19 and this is why they have made it in 21 days lockdown. Just imagine Malawi locking in its people with no any word of confidence. Pitani mmanyumba or mulibe chakudya musafe ndi corona Koma njala. We are seeing countries… Read more »
A MCP adzidzimuka atawona Chilima propaganda. Hehehehe. Vasugza pa Nyasalande😂😂😂
Mulungu amagwetsa anthu ozitama pansi pa chimpando chawo ndipo amakweza anthu achabechabe.
M’bale wanga fatsa ukuwonjeza.
For sure he should not think malawians are cowards ndi akulu odzimva kwambiri koma Mulungu aziwakhululukira. Mulungu amafuna anthu wodzichepetsa and a Mutharika ndi munthu wodzichepetsa kwambiri pano ndi pamene anthu ambiri ayamba kuzindikira mukumupha, mukumunyoza koma zonsezi Mulungu akuwona and will fight for him till he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Mpando its given by God no matter how may want it but if God says NO that is final. God keep you safe Peter and will sustain you despite enemies surrounding you. In the book of Psalms it say “Yea enemies may surround you… Read more »
Akulu mukuluza mavoti ambiri chifukwa chokonda kuima pachulu kumanyoza bambo wanu. Ndale sapanga choncho. Palibe angakutameni ndikunyoza munthu wamkulu. Kukhala chete nthawi zina sikupusa ayi. Tawonani mwana mzanu Atupele mmene amalandilira ulemu kumbali zonse. Kulibwino kutenga mwana waulemu kusiya wamwano.
A Lukwa shop ndinu omvetsa chisoni kwambiri ,Chilima wanyoza ndani pamenepa, kodi Atupele umamuyika pagulu la atsogoleeri? Uyu Atupele amangotatira zogwa ndi Chitswe pano ali ku DPP akuganiza kuti wina kumeneko amusiyira mpando kkk, Mwana uyu ndale zake ndi zakabitsalira zokomera iyeyu ndi Atate ake, he is not aleader but a fortune seeker
A Mabvuto dziwani Atupele is a type of leader we need in our democratic era because ther is time for politics and time for development. Once we vote and a leader is elected thats all what we need then is that all political parties join hands and sentitize our followers to support that incumbent leader in all its developmental agenda. Minus this my friend we are digging our own pit. Just imagine mmene mukunyansira mtauni ndi zimatabwa for fear of breaking glasses in shops. Is this the way things should be like? Shame! So Atupele deserves a big credit and… Read more »
Total Trash
Does Zeze read political vocabulary? I doubt.
VP likes taking glenifiddich, 40% alcohol content
Mike Fiko, I hope you have been living in Malawi for some time. Do you think the current government can take on board any solution offered by Chilima or any one from the opposition?