DPP dismisses MHRC report on Mutharika’s questionable victory

The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has dismissed the report by the taxpayer-funded Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC) on controversial May 20 Tripartite Elections which has questioned the legitimacy of President Peter Mutharika.

Kasaila:  MHRC reports lacks credibility
Kasaila: MHRC reports lacks credibility

The report launched on Thursday in Lilongwe said the elections that ushered Mutharika to power was lacking fairness, transparency and credibility.

Commissioner Reverend Zac Kawalala told a news conference that the eventual outcome was in dispute and aspects of the report point to questions over Mutharika’s legitimacy “which the public must take note.”

But DPP has said the elections were “a closed chapter”, saying questioning Mutharika’s legitimacy may be tantamount to treason as his victory was certified by several foreign and local election observer groups and was dully sworn-in as Head of State.

DPP spokesperson and the party’s leader in Parliament Francis Kasaila claimed  MHRC’s report lacks credibility.

“The European Union [EU] and Mesn [Malawi Electoral Support Network], for example, declared the elections free and fair, is the MHRC an expert in elections or human rights? They were not the only observer in that election and more credible institutions declared the results credible, free and fair,” said Kasaila.

However, the commission’s chairperson Sophie Kalinde justified the release of the report as evidence-based through its extensive elections monitoring.

The 2014 tripartite elections were marred by chaos and several irregularities and court actions, including injunctions aimed at stopping its release and at one point former head of State Joyce Banda attempted in vain to nullify the vote.

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Amon Kasambala
Amon Kasambala
10 years ago

Rigged or not rigged the 20 May elections are a closed chapter we have to wait for 2019 now.
We have to accept APM is President of Malawi up to 2019. Leave him work and will judge him by his work

10 years ago

Why don’t we raise required minimum academic qualifications for the appointing authority and the appointed commisioners? I would suggest a genuine Masters in developmental or management/legal field

10 years ago

Koma inu zitsiru zina, nthawi ino ati ka report kachani , ngati mwasowa chochita osapita kukazala bwanji, paja inakusankhani ndi mbava ya chizimayi ija eti , kodi kalinde ndi mchawa kapena mtumbuka

Mesho wa Nsalulu Getu
10 years ago

Mutharika is legitimate. He has failed beyond measure. Lets force him out of office basi. We cant be ruled by illegitimate leader.

10 years ago

The work of JB boys

Prudence Mesho
10 years ago

The report must give us enough reasons to to topple muntharika. He is not fit to remain in office. Let him reaign or else we wil force you out.

Gorbachev Harawa
10 years ago

Works of JB NIB should come in

The Patriot
The Patriot
10 years ago

Now that we know that DPP and APM are illegitimately leading our country what should we do?

10 years ago
Reply to  The Patriot

concentrate on developing Malawi and use the lessons from this report in the next elections

10 years ago

The report may serve as a record but timing is of prime importance.
This is now water under the bridge.
Let’s move on and concentrate on developing Malawi than wasting time jostling each other. AMEN.

Richard Pankomera
10 years ago

Pepa Pepa pepani oluza no cheating of any kind. The bottom line is Chakwera can not win elections if voters continue to vote according to regions, and this is a fact.

Chimbiya Weniweni
10 years ago

Many are talking out of jelousy.I was one of the clerks(a teacher by proffessional).In our zone(Chilipa) APM was on top of all presdential candidates at each centre in the presence of all monitors.I did not vote for APM but I would managed to predict that Apm had a chance to take over presidency.I suggest Human Rights hav released the report which has no credibility indeed!Iwo zimenezo azitenga kuti??Kapena angofuna kupezerapo ndalama??I greatly silute CCJP for its work on 20th may.Mupite ku CCJP mukapeze credible results because I remember anatipeza usiku tikuwerengerabe.Boma linawina ndilomweri basi.Musakhale ndi nkhwizi ndi anzanu.Ngati mukufuna achakwera,mvetserani… Read more »

10 years ago

Chizungu chimenecho . Teacher by professional?

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