Former APM security aide Chisale commends President Chakwera for visiting soldiers in training

Clad in full military gear, President Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera became the first President of the Republic to witness a field military training for the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) Soldiers in the thick bushes of Luwawa Forest in Mzimba on Thursday, June 3, 2021, drawing praises from a retired soldier and former security aide to the immediate past President Peter Mutharika.

President Chakwera – Commander in Chief goes to the bush

President Chakwera, who is the Commander-in-Chief of the Malawi Defence Force, was accompanied by MDF Commander General Vincent Nundwe and other high-ranking MDF during the tour. The President told the soldiers he had decided to visit them in training to offer them moral support and encouragement.

“I also want to send a strong message to Malawians that as President, I have greater trust and confidence in our men and women in uniform and that all Malawians must have trust and confidence in our soldiers,” he said after the visit.

In reaction to the President’s visit, former President Mutharika’s security aide, Paulosi Norman Chisale commended President Chakwera for “providing the much-needed moral support to the MDF soldiers as they continue to carry out their constitutional duty of protecting the country from foreign aggression and their valuable involvement in social and economic development work across the country”.

A retired soldier himself, Norman Chisale said that the President’s visit was a demonstration of genuine political will at the highest level of government, which will go a long way in boosting the morale of soldiers not only at the training site but across the country.

Speaking in an interview in Lilongwe on Thursday, the former presidential security aide noted that this was the first time a Head of State had visited soldiers in military combat training in Malawi and this was in itself “historical”.

He expressed optimism that the President’s gesture had instilled a greater sense of confidence in MDF soldiers. He said that it would therefore significantly enhance their commitment to not only protecting the country from direct and indirect foreign threat but also their noble participation in maintaining peace and stability in the SADC region and on the entire continent.

“Let’s detach this visit from the usual politicking; our soldiers need such a morale booster and the visit by the President could not have come at a better time than now when he is advocating for a New Malawi where everyone enjoys equal opportunities.

Chisale: Fit to stand trial

“What this visit meant was that the valuable contribution and sacrifices that our soldiers make in defending and developing this country do not go unnoticed by the Highest Office in the land. I would encourage the President to frequently undertake such visits, especially that he in the Commander-in-Chief of the Malawi Defence Force,” said Chisale, urging all Malawians to respect soldiers and appreciate the security role that they play in saving lives.

President Chakwera visited Luwawa Forest where 1,390 basic soldiers are being trained together with 20 Platoon Commanders and 29 Company Commanders. The Head of State later toured the MDF battle group artillery gun line and the military defensive position trenches.

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3 years ago

Chisale is a malawian too and he has the right to make comments where he feels so. There4 let us not criticise him that is being uncivilized and mind you he is innocent until proven guilty by the court of law. Bravo Chisale and you are right even myself i congratulate him(chakwera) for this visit it is a motivation at its best to our soldiers and should do likewise to all other sectors.

Paulos Hiwa
Paulos Hiwa
3 years ago

Sad. What does this corporal know about military? He is a an idiot. All he advised APM was to interfere in military issues and advancing illegal promotions and transfers of senior officers. I am sure next time the president visits the maula prison CHISALE will be a Nyapala there. Soon and very soon

Patrick D Nyirenda
Patrick D Nyirenda
3 years ago

If such positive remarks are coming from people from opposition side, then we can happily say that Malawi has taken an advanced step in leadership and that Chakwera is a great man.

Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major
3 years ago

Wow! Bwana Commander-in-Chief’s photo in those fatigues should be used as a poster for military recruitment. He looks like a battle-hardened infantry general. Somebody somewhere along the lakeshore must be turning green with envy. If that Somebody had tried donning these fatigues, he would have looked like an old watchman guarding an Asian shop.

3 years ago

Ohoo ochisale sono

3 years ago

Norman is true son of Malawi who deserves an audience by anyone at any time, despite having answering cases in does not make useless.Remember what Our own Jesus Christ said those people who brought a woman to him that she should be stoned.

Mswahili mambo
Mswahili mambo
3 years ago

Nyasatimes is not the same as ZODIAK.

President Mkango Chisokonezo Manthakanjenjemereza
President Mkango Chisokonezo Manthakanjenjemereza
3 years ago

Basi walapa musammange

That guy
That guy
3 years ago

The only time I want to read a Norman Chisale article is when he is in prison.

3 years ago

With so many cases hanging by his neck and Chizumas confirmed as the ACB boss the thief knows judgement day is near and is forced to start singing praise and worship songs. 11th hour ministry at its best…

3 years ago
Reply to  Moya

He’s singing praises at the 11th hour, unfortunately it’s 1 minute past 11! 🙉

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