Frustrated Wister Phiri retires from football

Moyale Barracks striker and longest Super League serving player Wister Phiri has retired from  active football and has announced that he is planning to venture into business.

Wister Phiri: Hangs up boots

Phiri, who launched his football career at Eagle Beaks in early 2000 before playing for Be Forward Wanderers, Epac, Comoros Island giants Fomboni Club and Blue Eagles, told Nyasa Times that his decision to quit football has come due to frustration.

He said most of the clubs which he has been playing made his football career to be meaningless because he was meeting with coaches who were so bias when featuring players while in other teams it was his fellow players who used to hate him for no apparent reason.

“I thank God for giving me the talent but now I’ve made my choice to stop playing and concetrate on other things. It was a tough decision but am feeling like its a good move because there is no way I can force myself to be playing when am just meeting with coaches who don’t trust my services. I have big plans now and am ready to start another chapter in my life,” said Phiri.

He added that he is not regreting with the dicision because even though he was a great player and played football for  along time he has not achieved anything.

“I am happy that am retiring from football without facing any serious injury during my period of play. I will miss football but its time to focus on my future and business,” he said.

Phiri, who has quit football at the age of 29, advised up-coming players to make sure they listen to their coaches and veteran players who are still playing if they are to be successful in football.

“It is very unfortunate that most of the players nowadays they don’t take advise and this is what making them not to last for 5-years. I would rather urge them to stop such kind of behaviour so that they can play for a long time by taking example from players like Fischer
Kondowe, Essau Kanyenda, Chiukepo Msowoya, Joseph Kamwendo just to mention a few,” explained Phiri.

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7 years ago

Kusatha mpira bambo, kodi makochi onse mwakumana nawo akakhale oyipa?

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