Fuel shortage hampers Astra vaccine roll out in Phalombe
Authorities in Phalombe say the Covid-19 AstraZeneca vaccine has been put on hold due to lack of fuel.

Daniel Chilomo, spokesperson for Phalombe district hospital said due to the situation, only isolated centres have started the exercise.
This comes amid reports that only 5, 417 people have received the covid-19 AstraZeneca jab, out of the 400, 000 earmarked for the vaccination exercise in the first phase.
This is as of Wednesday, day 3 since the vaccination was rolled out.
This week, the ministry of Health is vaccinating all health workers and state security personnel and next week will be the turn of those with underlying health conditions and those above 60 years of age.
Meanwhile, as the roll out of the AstraZeneca vaccines continues national wide, Rumphi district health office has received 4,500 doses for the exercise in the district.
Esau Mkamanga, Health Promotion Officer for Rumphi District Health Office said the exercise has started with health workers, those with chronic conditions, police officers and prison warden.
Mkamanga added that the exercise is also targeting those on age category of 60 years and above.
He further said two teams of vaccinators were training and have started with Rumphi.