In an interview, senior group village head (GVH) Mbenderana said there is now a new wave of male initiation ceremonies in his area that advocate good behaviour and education.
“As a traditional leader, I can confirm that there is change in the way initiation ceremonies are being conducted. In the past, they were associated with bad behaviour, but not now,” he said.
The initiation team assistant leader Rester Chikulo emphasised on the need to change the way initiation ceremonies are conducted by, among other things, promoting only aspects that have positive impact on children’s lives.
“There is a complete departure from the past as the new crop of initiates has been told about advantages of school. During our stay in the camp, we mentioned some families in the village whose lives have changed as a result of education,” he said.
Village head Mlingama appreciated the transformed initiation ceremonies, saying his son is among the children that participated in a month-long initiation camp and is ready for school this Monday.