Gospel songbird Shekinah treats street kids and orphans to luncheon and music performance
Gospel songbird Shekinah took time off on Christmas Day to celebrate it with street kids and orphans with a luncheon at Old Naperi Private School hall in Blantyre and also treated them to a performance of some of her songs.

Shekinah said she decided to celebrate the festive season this way taking cognizance that Christmas is a time for Christians to display their acts of giving to the less privileged.
“As we celebrate the free birth of Jesus Christ to save mankind, we also have to take part in saving others for free — spiritually and physically — from troubles in this world,” she said.
“Street kids and orphans are some of the most marginalized groups in the society and most of the times they pass through several challenges.
“As such — through my foundation, Pride Initiative — I decided to organize this Christmas celebration as a way of giving back to my community and showing love to the kids so that they know that there are people out there who care for them.”
She said the street kids were identified through officials from the department of Social Welfare while the orphans were from CEDOVC orphanage in Bangwe, Blantyre.
“We prepared a luncheon for them which included packs of rice, nsima, beef, soft drinks and biscuits as well as performing for them some of my songs to spice up the event.
“In addition, we had time to share the word of God with the kids and encouraged them not to despair despite the circumstances they are passing through but to trust in God who is able to change save them.”
She added that she was grateful for support she received from individual well-wishers, who contributed towards the success of this function and also Shoprite that donated some drinks and snacks.
Shekinah, who has so far produced one album entitled ‘I Worship’ that has 11 tracks launched in April 2019, said she currently working on a second album to which she has already produced 3 singles — ‘All I Need’, ‘Holy Spirit’ and ‘No One Else’.
The three singles are enjoying favourable airplay on several radios and their videos on television stations such as MBC TV.
She said the ‘I Worship’ album was a success as from the testimonies and feedback she gets from her fans, which has been very positive.
The launch of ‘I Worship’ was supported by artists like Allan Chirwa and Faith Mussa and was graced with the presence of Football Association of Malawi Walter Nyamilandu as guest of honor.
Shekinah also does social responsibility by reaching out to school girls through her foundation, Pride Initiative that donates reusable sanitary pads to post-pubescent girls in rural areas.
The aim of this is to keep girls in school throughout the school calendar year and reduce absenteeism due to menstruation which makes them miss important classes which then has negative impact on their class performance.
It is also to encourage the girls to work hard in class as well as “encourage them to have faith and hope in God for He is the holder of their future”.
She encourages aspiring artists that for them to succeed they need to work hard and stay firm to their dreams and not to be discouraged but take lessons from criticisms.
A banker by profession, Shekinah studied at Mzimba Secondary School where she passed MSCE with an impressive 11 points that made her get selected to study Bachelors Degree in Business Administration at the University of Malawi, The Polytechnic College.
Shekinah sings in her church, Global United Believers Ministries’ Praise Team since she was 16 years old and she decided to go professional through encouragement from her family and her church friends.
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