Handouts dependency is over, World Vision tells Malawi
World Vision Malawi has pointed out that the usual giving out of handouts by some NGOs, other partners as well as other stakeholders was over and that time has come for Malawians to stand on their own in issues that affect their wellbeing.

The remarks were made by World Vision’s National Director, Robert Kisyula at Mthumba Primary School in Chikwawa when the country’s Humanitarian Response which aims at assisting the people who were affected by floods and drought was launched.
Kisyula called on all Members of Parliament, council officials, NGOs to join hands so that the independency other than dependency among communities in the country was achieved.
“I hope this is the last time we are here to give handouts because Malawi is blessed with a lot of water and lucky enough 20 percent of its water is fresh. Look around you, there is enough water in the Shire River. What else should Malawians do other than making the best use of the water we have around us?
“We can do irrigation farming all year round and we can produce enough food that will make us food secure. We don’t need rains to grow maize all we need is water whether it is brought by a donkey, bucket, rain or tractor all we need is water to do farming,” said Kisyula
The WV’s National Director pointed out that Malawians were “not poor” adding that his organization believed in transformation development which would move people forward indicating the giving out of handouts was not transformation development.
“Look at me mothers, World Vision will not be giving out food every year,” he said.
“ We don’t give fish to a person but rather teach him/her how to fish because through that you will help him have food all the time. Let’s be fishers not eaters of the fish.”
Kisyula went on: “I call upon government through the guest of honor here to hold NGOs accountable to do sustainable development. My heart is bleeding inside here because last January we here to give relief food because of the floods and in October we are here again because of drought.”
He added: “MPs take this to parliament and say it to everyone that what we do is not development. The giving out of handouts is not development but rather let’s do some initiatives that would give Malawians a capacity to produce their own food for self dependency.”
He further stated that his organization was to work hand in hand with various NGOs, government to make sure that people had enough to produce adding that there was a need for bylaws that would protect and make those who carelessly cut down trees in the Shire Valley escarpments arrested saying deforestation greatly negatively affected climate change.
On his part, Principal Secretary in the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), Bernard Sande who was the guest of honor to the event said through the humanitarian response, 25 districts will be assisted with food and money depending on the recommendations from the Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Report (MVAC).
He said the response which started in October 2015 up to March 2016 is targeting 2.8 million people country wide but will start with eight district in the month of October 2015 adding that come November other four districts will be added and the remaining districts shall be incorporated in January 2016 list.
“According to MVAC report, the degree of food insecurity differs from one district to another hence we are not starting distributing food in all the districts at once,” said Sande.
He further stated that the beneficiaries of the response were likely to increase as MVAC November report which was yet to be released looking from afar indicated that the figure can rise from 2.8 million.
The Principal Secretary further urged all people who were involved in the response exercise to be more transparent and accountable indicating that anybody found abusing the process will be punished.
World Food Programme (WFP) Country Representative, Coco Ushiyama said Malawi food and nutrition security situation was complex adding Chikwawa district was one of the most prone districts in the country.
Ushiyama said ending hunger in Malawi was a challenge but possible if collective efforts were used in a manner that addressed food insecurity in a long term plan.
“At this time of unprecedented global need and despite resource challenges, WFP commitment to the humanitarian aid was imperative to save lives and livelihoods and to protect food and nutrition security remained stronger than ever.
“Through this response in total WFP will reach 2.4 million vulnerable Malawians with food and cash based assistance,” said Ushiyama
She further stated that government and other stakeholders as well as development partner’s work plan must incorporate disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, nutrition, gender equality and analysis and planning according to the changing context which also empowers people to drive local initiatives and tackle hunger in their communities.
This is not the first time Malawi has been advised to set measures that would help live independently, recently the Germany Ambassador to Malawi told a local radio that time was over when Malawians thought donors were Father Christmas.
The country has experienced the worst 2014/2015 growing season which was characterized by heavy floods and claimed over 100 lives in the process.
The launch of the humanitarian response follows the 2015/2016 food insecurity response plan which was launched on 21st September, 2015 where President Peter Mutharika admitted that over 2 million Malawians would not be able to meet their annual food requirement during the 2015/2016 consumption period.
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I wonder what the wvi country director has said you go in some remoted area and see some project wvi roll out you wonder is it an ngo project or it is groping of local, even the project dont bring impact to people of that area but when u heard the project budget u surprise huge some of money but all these money they put on their pocket go and search some project officer in world vision, very corrupt so how this behaviour can expect malawi to change, i, myself i like china style for instance if they fund government… Read more »
The money and other resources are right here in this country. Malawians let us join hands to work our lungs out to improve our productivity. Secondly, let us join hands to stop corruption and fraud which is a major killer of development. No body has prospered by getting handouts. I am amazed at some people’s resistance to change. How can we continue to cry for handouts and donors support at the age of 50 years old!! Its a shame to all of us!! If it was a man we would say the guy is dying of poverty and is a… Read more »
We have got enough resources, that; if can be shared equally, others cannot be beggers or the dependents to hand outs.
The problem is you donors. You design projects and impose them on Malawians without domestication. We know our problems, we know how to sort them out, what we lack are the resources. If you can only listen to our ways of sorting our problems, we can sort them out together with your assistance.
Can the government of Malawi manage to feed it’s on people by them selves i wonder,Malawi what you must do is don’t think about dowing corruption,do not miss use donor find,teach your people about farming,make the youth of Malawi to be active in farm programs and make sure all the provinces they are dowing farming then we will try to help ourselves if we can do that.
It never ceases to amaze me that human race inspire of all the blessings of wisdom happened to be the laziest both mentally and physically. You find a person owning a large scale piece of land but only to build a small house and plant fruitless trees around. When he wants fruits he has to spend money or have to beg from neighbours.
You have done to your side. Now its our time to do something for our best and up coming kids
for over 50 years we still have to depend on someone for food clothes and shelter.Leaders we need revival of green belt.we must produce our own food osamangodziwa kubereka a malawi kunyanya…dziko lonse ndi madzi koma politchula mukuti ku malawi moto wake uli kuti?wootcha misikawu or what?lets just go back to Nyasaland mwina zingatiyendere.
As muh as we need to hold still to the bycircle learner, at some point in time we need to let him/her stand alone , koma timing is very imprtant, teach us how to fish yes but stop stealing our fish in the name of help or political pressure, u corrupt our Leaders and through them u achieve what you want for african countries. yes we will stand own our our n God will side with us, abale athu akuchikwawa we can do this n we will. let them go asatinyoze chonchi n yet they r the ones who killed… Read more »
Am really happy that people are realising that handouts makes people lazy, we complain about rains but we have plenty of water in lakes, rivers and streams. And also depending on small holder farmers to produce food for the country will lead us nowhere, we need large farms that can use advanced irrigation systems.