Jappie challenges north district governors to back under fire Sanga or quit DPP

Campaign director for ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), Jappie Mhango, has launched a bitter attack against district governors in the northern region accusing them of orchestrating a plot to remove Regional Governor Kenneth Sanga, saying they should back him or quit the party.

DPP regional governor for the north row: Keneth Sanga (C) adefiantly rebuffs calls for him to quit as governor

Mhango, who is also Minister of  Transport and Public Works, said on the sidelines of a Christmas part he hosted  on Sunday at Lura Trading Centre  in his Rumphi North constituency,  made clear that Sanga will remain the party regional boss where one likes it or not.

“Sanga will remain regional governor for the north. In fact some of the signatories in the petition to have Sanga removed are fake governors,” said Mhango.

He warned the governors  that they will be discipline for stirring up dissent and trying to  oust Sanga.

“Let us all strengthen the party and make the north the home of DPP once again,” said Mhango.

“These district governors are not acting in the best interests of the party. They are bringing the DPP into disrepute and I don’t think they have a place in the party, let them quit,” said Mhango.

Sanga attended the party and is a close ally to Mhango defiantly rebuffed calls for him to quit, saying that will be “grave mistake”.

The Regional Governor said he has been meeting some of the district governors and is “quite frankly moved by the strength of their appeal to have me continue  serving on the post and I said on that basis I will continue”.

Among the district governors who appended their signatures to a letter dated December 7, 2016  baying for Sanga’s head include  Robert Mkandawire who is governor for Mzimba Hora, Stanly Mtonga who governs Mzimba District, Kachipapa Mwenda from Rumphi District and Likoma governor, Peter Ndalama .

Sanga  is also accused of collecting money from Malawians of Asian origin and other businessmen in the name of Mutharika, ministers and ruling party using some people whose names have been concealed.

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Sikayenera Kalirani
Sikayenera Kalirani
7 years ago

AJappie kodi kwanu ndikutiko? Mind you Northern part of this country holds brains

7 years ago

Enanu mwakwiya koma sinu a DPP where is the wisdom? uchindere wakufikapo.

bournney salima
bournney salima
7 years ago

amuhango amuhango ndale sitikhuta mwanyoza abale mokwanira, moti chifukwa cha mtchonayu? kumbukirani kuli mawa

Cheyo the real northerner
Cheyo the real northerner
7 years ago

Jappie you are stupid with your party.

7 years ago

Just present your facts here. Nobody is stupid. Mind you thoughts please.

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