JB dismisses rigging fears, orders Mulanje fatal shooting probe
Malawi President Joyce Banda has dismissed allegations that her People Party (PP) is planning to rig the May 20 tripartite elections.
There have been fears that PP would manipulate the results after anomalies in the voter verification exercise in which names of some voters are missing.
But speaking during a mass rally held on Sunday in Dowa district, President Banda said there is no way her party would decide of rig the elections because it is all ahead of all the competing political parties in all respect.

“How come can we rig the election while we are well aware that we are already the winners, come rain or sunshine? Yes, we have our people who are in rural areas some are even camping there not to rig the elections but to sell the party manifestos to the grass roots,” she said.
He said the allegations are from people who just want to divert people’s attention from the evil plans they are making against members of her party.
President Banda said her party has information that her opponents are meeting at night planning to be hacking members of the People’s Party whenever they see them for no apparent reason.
She cited as an example the shooting of a charcoal seller in southern district Mulanje by a guard of an official of the opposition Democratic Progressive party Leston Mulli as reported by Nyasa Times on Sunday.
“What has happened in Mulanje is uncalled for. Who allowed these people to have guns? I am directing the police to thoroughly investigate the shooting and find out how the guns landed in the hands of such people. Why do they want to be killing us like that,” said President Banda.
She however did not come clear whether the deceased was a member of her party but she said the incident it an indicated that there is no secrete on earth.
“They wanted to be doing their evil tactics in secrete but now it is known to the public before it is fully implemented,” she said.
At least 7 million Malawian are expected to cast their vote on Tuesday May 20 with polls for parliament and local government also on the ballot.
Various church groups continue to hold prayer sessions ahead of the anticipated election.
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