‘Kim’ Pokani Kaunda releases new single ‘Lake Malawi’
You probably haven’t heard much of Kim yet, but the future looks really bright for the Lilongwe-based singer.

With amazing vocals and style that is compared to Jamaican maestro Cecile, the singer has some massive talent and bright future.
What’s more exciting about her is that you can actually also compare her style to that of American singer/songwriter Erykah Badu.
Born Kimberley Pokani Kaunda, on 27 May, 1990, Kim started singing around the age of 10 and carried on even at school with the help of family and friends.
A few years later she began writing and instanteously fell in love with songwriting and she began learning how to play the guitar from her father.
After singing at church, in coffee shops and different events, Kim started recording music. With the help of her brother, Manyanda Nyasulu; the chief executive officer of Timveni, Kim has become a full artist.
The two work together and write songs about life, from God to love and social issues.
Her latest single “Lake Malawi” focuses on the socio-economic issues that Malawi is facing.
The song has a reggae vibe to it. With her amazing vocals and flamboyant poetic, story-telling singing style, the song helps the listener empathize with ongoing grapevine that we shall start drilling oil from the lake.
The song is an indirect plea to avoid drilling from the lake as it is a source of life to the nation.
“Malawi, dzuka mtolo, nyanjayi ndi moyo wako iwe” translated as “Wake up Malawi from that deep sleep, the lake is your source of life.”
The song is a must listen, it is an eye-opener to the leaders of the country as well as the average Malawian.
Get the song here: https://m.soundcloud.com/kimofdiamonds/lake-malawi.
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This is really great. I have listened to her songs and are indeed good. Keep it up. But don’t lose your identity to start copying western life/culture/dressing like what Seggie is now doing. It will make you lose morale and touch of Malawian identity.
Keep it up!!
way to go classmate. You represent.