Malawi govt confirms Kennedy Nkhoma as new commissioner of prisons
The Joyce Banda led administration has at long last approved the appointment of Kennedy Nkhoma as new commissioner of Malawi Prison Services (MPS).
Nkhoma has been acting in the position for some time now following the sudden death of longest serving Commissioner Macdonald Chaona.
Chaona was found dead in his bedroom in what pathologist report said was a result of food poisoning.
Speaking during the pass out of prison wardens in Mapanga, Blantyre, Home Affairs minister Uladi Mussa standing in for Malawi leader Mrs. Banda, told the gathering that the Head of State has promoted Nkhoma to the position of Commissioner.

“It has pleased the President Mrs. Joyce Banda to promote Mr. Kennedy Nkhoma from being acting commissioner to commissioner of Malawi Prison Services,” announced Mussa and this attracted celebrations and hugs from senior and junior prison officers.
He described Nkhoma as dedicated servant who has served the prison with dignity and honor.
“Looking at the way Mr. Nkhoma has served his nation I don’t think there is any other person in the service who deserved such an honor than him. As government we expect more dedication and hard work in your efforts to reform the prison service,” added Mussa.
Speaking in separate interview with Nyasa Times, Nkhoma did not hide his excitement saying, “I’m glad and thankful firstly to almighty God and secondly to the president for the trust she has shown in me I really will continue working to the best of my ability.”
Malawi has one of the most horrific prison cells that are always overcrowded thereby making it easier for inmates to infect each other with airborne, waterborne, skin and sexually transmitted diseases.
Nkhoma was previously married to former deputy speaker Esther Mcheka Chilenje but the high profile marriage did not last due to what sources described as bad blood between the wife and her step children.
Mcheka Chilenje is in United States on diplomatic tour of duty.
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