Malawi National Bus employees go without pay on Christmas

Over 400 employees at National Bus Service in Malawi are celebrating Christmas festive without a two month pay of November and December.

Finance Minister Goodall Gondwe: Government is considering pulling out of National Bus Company
Finance Minister Goodall Gondwe: Government is considering pulling out of National Bus Company

The government has an 11 percent stake in the private company.

The government has managed to pay all civil servants including primary school teachers ahead of Christmas day.

Some National Bus employees from Blantyre and Lilongwe confided in Nyasa Times that they received their October pay on December 14.

Workers in Lilongwe wondered why this should be the case when the company collects over K250,000 a day in gate collections for buses at Lilongwe Bus depot following a memorandum of understanding with the government that runs up to 2019.

The workers said they do not expect pay before new year, January 1, 2016.

Mulli Brothers is the majority shareholder in the company withh as 64 percent stake, millionaire Bishop Simama has 13 percent shareholding and Noel Masangwi, a Democratic Progressive Party legislator has a 12 percent shareholding in the company.

Finance minister Goodall Gondwe said he did not know about financial woes at the bus company but said the government wants to pull out of the company.

Leston Mulli, executive director of Mulli Brothers, the majority shareholder was not picking his call on Christmas Day.

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Safari Wakumudzi
Safari Wakumudzi
9 years ago

Muli brothers is well known for late pay and abusing workers both physically and verbally, no wonder it has spread to NBC!

Benson Chirwa
Benson Chirwa
9 years ago

Malemu akuba aja ndiye amatsogolera such type of partnership. Zoona the whole government? Pull out msanga.

nyasa boy
nyasa boy
9 years ago

Poor leadership poor country poor noredge poor people #country for misteck

9 years ago

So when the employees start paying themselves through stealing, you will blame them for their money as well? Guys, this is the time to know what to do before the company shuts down. Chotsanimo zanu zonse mwansanga.

choka phiri
9 years ago

I fel bad knowing a kille Mansangwi is a shareholder of national bus. U see in Africa/Malawi businesses are given to party royalties. Its The same people and NO one can succeed If one dos not belong to a ruling party. This is why the nation is not expanding. Its on som level years

9 years ago

What kind of business is that government can partner with bruts like Mulli, Masangwi, and Simama? Poor planning. Let this be a lesson to the government. Be serious when joining some partnerships.

Mwana Mulanje
Mwana Mulanje
9 years ago

What good can come from a mafioso combination of Mulli and Masangwi, the biggest accomplices to the chief looter of our economy?

Alfred Minjo
Alfred Minjo
9 years ago

Kodi tidzingokhalira nkhani ya Mulli basi? Give him a break you uncouthed journalist. N’chifukwa chake akukuthirani PHUDZO kkkkkkk!

9 years ago

mpaka noel masanhwi shareholder. koma zinabookadi

Suspect zero37
9 years ago

Zavuta kumpanda

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