Malawi News add weight to ‘sinking Titanic’ claims
The Malawi News article lead article on Saturday and an editorial comment has attached weight to claims made on a Nyasa Times column ‘Loose Cannon’ which likened the current crisis in Malawi to the sinking of the Titanic.

In the Malawi News front page story about ‘Smugglers aiding migration to South Africa’ the flagship weekly reports that economic difficulties were forcing Malawian citizens to leave like passengers jumping from the sinking ship to save their lives.
More than half of Malawi population are living in poverty, with chronic unemployment and inflation.
The newspaper reported that there is an increase of economic migration amongst Malawians to the rainbow nation – an economic giant in the southern Afrian region.
According to the paper the desperation by Malawians to try their fortunes in South Africa has created a lucrative business for human smugglers who take them on a trip so dangerous and uncertain in outcome, while they pocket huge sums of money in return.
“In some cases, the money the travellers pay these smugglers is far more than what they would spend in processing a passport, pay for bus fare and travel comfortably,” the report said.
The paper said it investigated that while private trucks are popular with this smuggling business, some staff in international buses are also facilitating such illegal travel.
Both Malawian and South African authorities reported last week that up to 1,154 Malawian illegal immigrants are being held at Lindela, awaiting deportation.
And in the editorial comment, Malawi News titled: “It’s no brainer, poverty driving our people out.”
The editorial comment argues that impoverishment in Malawi is creating its citizens to be illegal immigrants in foreign lands as the country’s “future prospects are very slim.”
The paper says when a country like Malawi is “poor and has a corrupt and visionless leadership”, its young people simply migrate to foreign lands because they don’t see any prospects.
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nthawi ya kamuzu, mwa anthu 100 anthu 2 amapita kutheba. nthawi ya Bakili mwa anth 100 anthu 10 amapita ku theba, nthawi ya Bingu mwa anthu 100 anthu 60 amapita ku theba. nthawi ya joyce banda mwa anthu 100 anthu 30 amapita ku theba. nthawi ya Peter Mutharika mwa anthu 100 anthu 85 akupita ku theba kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk kenako onse 100 azipita ku theba hahahahaha
Thw ship is sinking and is few Km to rwach the aea floor. Peter the pilate has no problem. He doesn’t care for he is given live jacketa by the aame people he is persecuting.CALL FOR GVT OF NATIONAL UNTY IS THE SOLUTION or else….
We are not stupid,, munthalika u must watch out were tired of u.
Fake president, idiot Peter muthalika we are tired of u, RIP
It all started long time ago when Malawians trekked to Salisbury, Lusaka and Johannesburg. It has been a trend since then until today.
Kutha nzeru bambo
@6 Yes! you may be right that migration started way back. But why abort your level of thinking such that you don’t ask yourself why this migration is one way traffic? Sounds like a simpleton close to power by default means.
Do not waste time writing such articles. Malawians started migrating a long time. Migration itself is a universal phenomenon.
Malawians have been migrating to South Africa since time immemorial. kodi theba inali nthawi ya Peter? kambani ina!
Ambuye kumwambako musatiiwale, pamene mukuthandiza anthu ovutika ndi nkhondo, zivomerezi, amalawife musatiiwaleso. Pempho lanthu ndilimodzi, “tilanditseni ku usogoleri olowera pa windo-wu, monga munalorela satana kuthana ndi chisulo cha njanji, loraniso satana athane naye nyaupeyu. Tikuziwa kuti satana kwake ndi kupha ndipo sanganyozere mutamulora kutero. AMEN!