Malawi signs K30bn financial cooperation agreement with Germany
The Government of Malawi has signed K30 billion financial cooperation agreement with the Federal Republic of Germany to help the former in boosting up its social sectors of education and health.

Speaking during the signing ceremony at the Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development in Lilongwe Wednesday, the German Ambassador to Malawi, Juergen Borsch said the money which Germany has given to Malawi is part of the agreement which his government promised to support different sectors in the country and abroad.
“We have signed another chunk of money in our bilateral agreement with Malawi worth 35 million Euros (K30 billion) which is part of a two-year program of 113 million Euros which we are targeting to support education and health sectors in Malawi and the international community,” said Borsch.
He also said that German Government together with the Government of Malawi conducted an assessment to come up with the best programs targeting poverty, hunger, basic education and health programs in the country.
The German Envoy added that his government has also scheduled additional programs to those it is currently implementing in the country such as social cash transfer, which is running successfully.
The German Government’s target is to implement long-term programs aimed to bring transformation in all sectors, including education and health.
In his remarks, Minister of Finance, Economic Planning and Development, Goodall Gondwe commended the bilateral relationship that exists between the Government of Malawi and the Federal Republic of Germany, saying the cooperation has helped to bring transformation among the Malawians’ different spheres of life.
Gondwe also hailed the German Government for being one of Malawi’s most faithful partners in investing in the social sectors of education and health for many years where he said significant strides have been achieved in the process.
“We have been in good relationship with the German Government for a long term and through the bilateral relationship, a number of superior developments in education and health sectors have been made,” he said.
For the 35 million Euros (K30 billion) agreement which has been newly signed, the Minister cited that 10 million Euros will be used to boost primary education, 20 million Euros will be used to boost the health sector and the remaining 5 million Euros is earmarked for rural infrastructure financing.
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Before spending any coin, the government will do itself good to READ THOROUGHLY the BISHOPS’ LETTER and thereafter ADDRESS ACCORDINGLY the critical ISSUES ON EDUCATION AND HEALTH as stipulated therein to commence now the journey into a NEW ERA in Malawi as NEW PLAYERS WHO WILL PUT MALAWI FIRST, TAKE OVER FROM MAY 21 AND BEYOND
This is great News for Malawi. Bravo President Mutharika and your Government. Please take Malawi forward. We need more developments.
Please German government, put in place control and monitoring mechanisms to ensure that no Euro goes into the hands of the untrustworthy politicians. Its campaign and election time so every tom & Harry are trying so hard to fund their respective political parties. Also ensure that the quality of investment in education and health is at par with the modern 21st century world; otherwise these Malawi architects will design schools that look like we are still in the 19th century. sometimes I wonder what type of Engineers, designers, builders and technicians/artisans Malawi University and Colleges are producing. There is no… Read more »
Good news is when it’s used for its intended purposes but Goodal news is when it’s used for personal enrichment.