Malawians should decide on anti-defection law Sec 65 -Kanyongolo
It is better for Malawians to be left to decide on whether they want anti-defection law Section 65 scrapped off from the country’s constitution or let its jaws bite, an associate law professor from the University of Malawi’s Chancellor college, Edge Kanyongolo has said
Section 65 in part gives powers to the Speaker of parliament to declare vacant a seat of a member of parliament who has joined another party represented in the house after ditching his/her own.

Meanwhile, the former governing DPP has declared to petition the speaker to invoke the section on its MPs who have defected to the now ruling People’s Party of President Joyce Banda.
Ironically majority of DPP lawmakers were saved from the wrath of the same section when they sought an injunction from the court after defecting from UDF.
The MPs had followed late president Bingu Mutharika who dumped the party which ushered him in office and formed DPP.
But Kanyongolo is of the view that the issue be left for debate amongst Malawians.
” This law continues to be ignored even though its effective, perhaps its better if Malawians were given a chance to decide on whether they want it scrapped off from the constitution or not,” he told a local radio
According to him it serves no purpose to have a law in place which will be flouted wily nilly because of injunctions.
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