Malawi’s TNM Super League kicks off April 19
Malawi’s flagship Super League forthcoming season is scheduled to kick off on April 19.
League runners Super League of Malawi, said in statement signed by General Secretary Williams Banda that the transfer opened February 19 and would close on April 18 for the 15-team league.
Banda also cautioned clubs that all players who were on loan would revert to their old clubs.
“All players on loan have since reverted to their domicile teams and anyone intending to renew is required to do so before 10 April 2014,” stated the statement.

Sulom has also issued a stark warning to clubs to enforce a high degree of security in the wake of sponsorship-threatening violence which marred last season.
“You clubs and officials should desist from indulging in un-sporting behaviour before, during and after the matches at all venues,” it states.
“If home teams fail to provide security for visiting teams officiating personnel and all fans they is punishable by K450,000.”
Sulom has also warned teams against operating outside the dressing rooms a trending widely apportioned to juju beliefs or face K300,000 fine payable before the next fixture.
“No unauthorised official is allowed in the dressing room areas. Pitch invasion shall cost your club a fortune,” it states.
The league runners had also enforced that clubs would respect the welfare of players.
“No player shall be registered without a club/player contract, player licence medical certificate of fitness, insurance and clearances in cases of players moving from one club to the other.”
It states that any player or official that contravenes the transfer policy would be banned.
Silver Strikers are the defending champions of the Super League sponsored by Telecom Networks Malawi (TNM) having won it for a third consecutive season.
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