Malosa Anglican Secondary takes hard line on indiscipline
Malosa Anglican Secondary School head teacher Howard Nasoro says parents and teachers need to work in unison in order to curb indiscipline among some students at the school.
The head teacher made the call at the school in Zomba on Saturday during 2013/2014 parents and teachers association (PTA) annual general meeting (AGM). He said there have been some incidences of indiscipline
among the students which needs urgent attention.
Nasoro cited to the parents two cases of indiscipline at the school in November last year when some students stoned their teachers while they were holding a meeting in a classroom.

“17 students were dismissed whereas some are waiting communication from the Ministry of Education. Barely a few days after the first incident, some students also set ablaze an archive of the school resulting in lots of damages including a Form 3classroom block. We told them to pay for the damages so that we maintain the classroom
block,” he said.
He further added that the school also faces acute shortage of water during the months of October and November each year. He attributed the problem to the school’s insufficient water reservoir whereby students travel a distance to draw water for use.
Speaking during the ceremony, the school’s PTA chairperson Mbube Lijenda said indiscipline among students comes in different ways.
“They old adage says charity begins at home. As parents we need to educate our children to be responsible in their act whether at home or school. On the other hand, peer pressure contributes to many of such circumstances where students behave waywardly. It is from this experience that we need to join hands and deal with the challenge,”
said Lijenda.