Mazeze pulls out of JUMA and SAJA top posts
Maganizo Mazeze, who was elected to head the Journalists Union of Malawi (JUMA) and later the Southern African Journalists Association (SAJA) last year has resigned both positions.
In a brief note to JUMA membership on 16th May, he says: I hope this mail finds you well. I regret to announce my resignation as President of JUMA effective today, May 16, 2012.”
The past few months, he added, have been tough in that he has not given adequate attention to the work of Unionism due to pressure of personal projectsg.
“I think this is greatly affecting the direction of JUMA. I am convinced the best way to ensure JUMA maintains its momentum is to let someone takeover and continue from where we are. Consequently, I have also resigned from my position as SAJA president,” he announced.

Mazeze, who works at the public Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) television and radios and has had stints with The Nation and Daily Times newspapers, however says he will remain a JUMA member for the Southern Chapter with offices in the commercial city of Blantyre.
“Meanwhile, I will arrange with the (SG) Secretary General to handover any documentation concerning JUMA affairs that is in my possession. I wish the Executive the best of luck in the pursuit of labour rights for journalists,” he bid farewell.
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