MEJN, CCJP not against Kwacha devaluation
Some NGOs reported to have been part of some 40 civil society groups supporting government’s decision not to devalue the Malawi Kwacha have refused to be associated with President Bingu Mutharika’s stance vis-à-vis the devaluation.
The Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN) and the Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) have since disowned being party to the meeting where it was agreed to support government’s decision not to devalue the kwacha.
Executive Director of MEJN, Dalitso Kubalasa has said: “We were called while the meeting was in the process. By the time organisers of the meeting were briefing journalists our representative was not there and we have not yet received a report of the meeting.

“We are surprised with the position taken by organisers of the meeting,” said Kubalasa.
Chris Chisoni, National Coordinator of CCJP says his organisation is still deliberating its position on the issues of zero-deficit budget and devaluation of the Malawi Kwacha.
“CCJP was invited to attend a briefing where a research study that was supported by Action Aid was trying to look at the impact development of the extended credit facility by IMF.
“However, what come out as a general representation by the organisers of the meeting does not reflect the position of individual institutions that were invited to attend the meeting,” said Chisoni.
Chisoni added that CCJP had not yet made public position on issues of Zero-Deficit Budget and devaluation of the Kwacha.
On Thursday, Counselling of the Adolescent and Youth Organisation (CAYO) called for a meeting with involvement of NGO Board to give individual NGOs a chance to voice out their views on devaluation of the Kwacha and promotion of Zero-Deficit Budget.
At the said gathering, Executive Director of CAYO Mr. Fyson Chodzi said the position taken by umbrella NGO board—Council for Non-Government Organisations in Malawi (CONGOMA)—in a number of issues is not collective representation on all NGOs in the country.
This refutal substantiates suspicions that the Government is using Mabvuto Bamusi to entice youthful and greedy CSO leaders like Fyson Chodzi with monetary inducements to toe government line.
Some of the 40 NGOs listed to have attended the Thursday indaba in Lilongwe and reported to be supporting the stance not to devalue the Kwacha and singing good songs about the disastrous zero-deficit budget include CCJP, MEJN, CRIDOC and MANASO.
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