MHC rentals hike July 1: Malawi landlords to follow suit
Tenants of the Malawi Housing Corporation (MHC) will from July this year dig deeper into their pockets following the corporation’s rental hike.

MHC General Manager, Wezi Mkandawire has not indicated by how much the rentals will be raised per unit.
“We are in the process of coming up with a statement on that one and the nation will be told as to how much the rates will rise,” she said.
Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development Paul Chibingu disclosed that he gave MHC the go-ahead to raise house rentals effective July 1 as one way of increasing revenue to help the parastatal meet some of its obligations.
One of the tenants in Chinyonga, Lawrence Phiri said the corporation could have first undertaken renovation exercise on the houses before hiking the rentals.
Some of the private landlords Nyasa Times spoke to, have also indicated that they will be raising their rentals.
A house with one bedroom on the open market costs K20 000 (US$44) while that belonging to MHC is pegged at K7 000 (US$16).
MHC is a parastatal organization which is responsible for the construction and renting of houses to the public to ease the accommodation problems.
However, press reports indicated that the corporation has made losses in two consecutive years on its rental accounts.
MHC posted a K43 million (US$95 556) loss compared to K38 million (US$84 444) in 2013.
According to Mkandawire, the parastatal is in the process of applying for a loan, which will enable it to construct 648 houses in Lilongwe and 400 in Blantyre.
Apart from that, she said they will also build one United Nations (UN) house near Sunbird Capital in Lilongwe, which will enable the parastatal to raise more money.
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Simulakwitsa ayi, kwezani amene asakufuna atuluke osanyengelela. Your houses are indeed solid nde okanika kulipilawo, ena akalowa komanso tidzipeleka 3 months.
kwezani zifike pa MK50,000.00 komanso anthu azilipira katatu, asakufuna achoke ena alowe.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
MHC Houses are very dirty: vuto ndi ma tenant achimalawi you don’t know how to take care of property. Most of you cook on mitsonongo ya chimanga as nkhuni and you have utsi billowing out of control, spoiling the paint work big time.
And yet some have families too big to be sustained in an MHC house. National television should try and educate alomwe on the goodness of family planning and ukhondo otherwise it is not right to blame MHC.
I think MHC is not doing any good to us as tenants. The houses that we a re living in are very dirt, they leak and no maintenance is done. This is unjust. The adjustment is uncalled for.
Why doesn’t MHC just sell these shacks since you are failing to maintain them. One wonders how MHC manages to incur huge loses,in the absence of maintenance.
please the hike should be 100% or more your houses are too cheap comparing to prices of goods and services today. Are you serious one paying K7000.oo for the whole month, people charge more even for toilets.
Am a landlord to someone, am happy nane mkweze. As a tenant, mayoooo yalakwa……wakumudzi
The rentals were too low. I hope they will increase by 100%
Is a good move
I got a letter from MHC indicating my 2 bed room house has been increased from K15,200.00 to K22,000.00 effective 1 July. Tilimba koma with over 50% increase.