Mini-fukushima at Malawi Embassy in Japan
Malawi’s ambassador to Japan, Brigadier Reuben Ngwenya is said to be enjoying an ivory tower moment and has created a demi-god status and for himself. He is reigning supreme in a pseudo-kingdom where few have access.

Insiders at the embassy reveal that he has thrown all caution to the wind and is disregarding all diplomatic protocol in pursuit of a personal agenda of self-enrichment.
“Ngwenya breached diplomatic protocol, which prohibits embassy staff from carrying out active businesses, and has gone flat out doing various businesses. The ambassador spends very little time in his office as he is always around and about the streets of Tokyo scouting for cars at auctions for his Car Hire company, Car Hire Company is Classic Car Hire, back home, which is managed by Vusi Ngwenya” the source told Nyasa Times, pleading for anonymity.
He is also a business partner of a Japanese friend, Professor Shibata. They sell bicycles in Malawi, which come in duty free as they are disguised as ‘donations’
He does not conduct regular meetings with embassy staff to discuss how the embassy should promote Malawi’s agenda and lure Japanese investors to Malawi, revealed the source.
According to the source, many workers have written Ambassador Ngwenya over the time that he has been in Japan to complain about his style of leadership, which is allegedly dictatorial. Others have also protested the behaviour of the Ambassador’s Secretary, Tamae Mobsby (Japanese), who is said to be a thorn in the fresh for many embassy staff and acts like she is the Ambassador herself.
Brigadier Ngwenya has been in Japan as Malawi’s envoy for four years now. He is the only Ambassador that has not been recalled after the change of Government in May, 2014.
According to the source, the embassy is keeping files upon files of complaints from several embassy staff and other stakeholders who feel Malawi’s image is being painted black because of the rudeness of the ambassador’s secretary. She does not respect people, and always verbally abuse staff at the embassy and even other diplomats but no action has been taken against her, he said.
“Serious investors have been pushed away, because of this lady. This time even the diplomats have joined the staff to complain to Ministry of Foreign Affairs about her behaviour.
“On April 7, 2015, the embassy held management meeting where Deputy Ambassador, Rosemary Kanyuka, and First Secretary, Stephen M’modzi, raised the issue of the rudeness of the Ambassador’s secretary.
“ A serious verbal fight ensued, and the situation nearly degenerated into an all-out punch up. It is alleged that the Ambassador has a secret love relationship with Tamae Mobsby, which is the main reason why he does not take any action to admonish her over her rude conduct towards embassy staff and other diplomats,” the source said.
Brigadier Ngwenya is also said to be engaged in money hosting business, and is always throwing lavish parties at his house with his business associates who have nothing to do with investing in Malawi, according to the source.
“Ngwenya is only interested in his survival and uses politics to achieve this. He collects used computers and cars, which he donates to politically-connected organizations at first it was those in PP and now at Beautify Malawi Trust (Beam), which is run by First Lady, Gertrude Mutharika, and Safe Motherhood,” said the embassy source.
The Ambassador is also said to have facilitated the recall of Levi Mkawa simply because he is the son of Mrs. Edith Mkawa, whom the Ambassador alleged has close links with the former governing People’s Party (PP) of Joyce Banda.
The embassy members of staff in Japan also include Loy Ricaforte, Ambassador’s Chauffeur Felix Lilio; Driver Yuma Ito and Accounts Officer, Eddie Callangan.
Brigadier Ngwenya was appointed by the late Bingu wa Mutharika in the previous DPP government and he is the only ambassador who survived the previous PP government and still not yet recalled by the current government.
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Akufuna mzawo abwereko kumeneko
Apiteko iwowo adzikanjonjola (kuba )kumeneko
Why is the ambassador in tokyo still employing mrs bakae mobsby? she is a mad person, my friend says. when i saw her at the embassy, i found she was not an intelligent person.
A ngwenya tilibe nawo chifukwa. Ndakusambilani mmanja a ‘source’ Chitani chomwe mukuona chopindula kwa Inu. ‘ anatelonso kalelo mfumu Herod’
ameneyu Nde true Malawian I know . Timachita nsanje ndi kwa a neighbor omwe pokazinga nkhuku. Za nkutu the recalled man
Kodi zosezi zingakhale z:-) onama
My father does not sell bicycles, yes he has classic car hire company but he started long time.
Me.Reuben Ngwenya u were working hard against your fellow ambassadors like Chirwa today the ball is in your court prove it wrong. Karma is a bitch my man Ngwenya
Asilikali oyipa mtima awa, kuzunza anthu basi. Mr.President must recall this man with speed. And he must be investigated too
Ngwenya Ngwenya Ngwenya you can fool some people sometime but you can’t fool all the people all the time
Ingomufufuzani Chilungamo Chioneke