Mizu Band rocks Cockpit Lounge

Blantyre-based Mizu Band seems to be revelling in their new found romance with the country’s business hub, the capital city, especially Lilongwe’s upmarket clubbing joint, Cockpit Lounge as they gave a first-rate  to performance at the venue last Saturday for a ‘hat-trick’ in just a space of sixty days.

Mizu Band
 On the same night just 135 Kilometres away from the capital city, at Livingstonia beach in the lake-shore district of Salima, the Sand Music festival was taking place but Manager for Mizu Band Emmanuel Maliro was defiant saying the band was unfazed with what was happening elsewhere, emphasising that they were geared to give out to their loyal fans nothing but a good show.
And as usual, Mizu did not disappoint. They lived up to their reputation as one of the best music outfit in the country in the recent times.
They rocked the Cockpit Lounge to the max and beyond the patrons’ expectation with a rock-solid performance that conquered many a heart.
Blantyre based socialite, Maliro, a former actor and director said Malawi has a good number of the population who love fun and entertainment who could not all manage to go to Salima at the same time for varied reasons and wanted to hang around in the city and we gave them all.
Said Maliro who is also a marketer: “We believe in our brand and we believe on what we offer. When you offer the best people will always follow you. For Mizu it is not about the numbers but giving people the maximum entertainment they deserve, we can perform for five people as long as they are happy and contended.”
Maliro, however, said Lilongwe did not disappoint as a throng of fun-seekers came to support them on the night.
“We don’t take their (our fans) patronage for granted. We exist for their ultimate pleasure and happiness and we will continue to give them the best and a value for their money,” said Maliro.
Mizu Band which is led by their front-liner vocalists J.J and silky voiced Eunice have mastered the art of performing famous and trendy hit cover songs in a manner that no other band can match in the country, a thing that has endeared them to many music lovers.
They seem poised to transfer they affection they receive back at their base in Blantyre where they are a regular feature with their live performances at Blue Elephant where they continue to woo huge audiences week in week out.
“Our biggest strength is that we play music that people love and want of different genres, as a result they never get tired of our band. There is currently no band in Lilongwe which plays cover songs they way we do, that is why the people are warming up to us there,” said Maliro.
Cockpit Lounge commercial director Martin Nkasala revealed in a separate interview that they now have since entered into a working partnership with the band, which will see them performing at expansive ultra-modern entertainment joint on a monthly basis.
“We are two entities which always strive to offer high quality services to our customers,” said Nkasala. “In this arrangement we believe we will continue bringing Lilongwe fun-lovers and fun-seekers the best of live-band music, which they have been denied for long,” said Nkasala.
One of the patrons who attended the Saturday night show, John Magombo, 38, who lives in the low density suburb of Area 47 in the city said he was satisfied beyond expectation by Mizu Band’s incredible performance at Cockpit Lounge.
“I do not regret not going to Salima for Mizu Band gave me and many others a total value of our money. It was a grand performance. These guys, Mizu Band, are a force to reckon with and will soon take over the reigns as the best live-music band in the country,” said Magombo.
“Those that have not patronised Mizu Band playing live are missing out,” Magombo huffed.

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7 years ago

Hahahahaha. I am laughing because these people you are touting as the best band are in fact jokers. How do you become a best band when all you know is sing other peoples songs? You cant go anywhere with covers. Artists who make money on other peoples songs are not worthy to be called artists, they are simply thieves. Sometimes to tend to wonder where our music talent went? We used to have bands in Malawi who could compose their own popular songs such as Love Aquarius, Kalimba, Makasu, Chitipi Capital Sounds etc. Where did all this talent go? Nowadays… Read more »

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