MP Lunguzi questions appointment of garrulous Chief Lundu  as chair of Malawi Blood Transfusion Services

Paramount Chief Lundu  appointment  as chairperson of the Malawi Blood Transfusion Services (MBTS) Board of Trustees has become the latest flashpoint between the government and the opposition, as member of Parliament (MP) for Dedza East  Juliana has questioned President Peter Mutharika’s decision to appoint  the garrulous chief.

Chief Lundu :  Appointed chair of MBTS

The appointment is viewed as a political reward as  Chief Lundu together with Paramount Chief Ngolongoliwa were in the forefront parading on the state controlled Malawi Broadcasting Corporation in condemning the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) on electoral reforms bill.

The chiefs went further in holding a peaceful demostrations in the capital Lilongwe where they presented a petition to the Speaker of the National Assembly Richard Msowoya on the matter.

Chief Secretary Lloyd Muhara said in a statement that President Peter Mutharika has appointed Chief Lundu with immediate effect.

Lundu will chair MBTS whose members of the board include; Mr Robert Mdeza, Mrs Agness Sentala and Mr Lewis Msasa. Secretary for Health and Population and Secretary General for Malawi Red Cross are Ex-Officios.

But taking it on social media, Lunguzi who is a member of main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) argued that the traditional leader has been tasked with chairing a board that deals with issues that are technical in nature.

“Only in Malawi do you put a Traditional Chief to Chair such a Technical Board. One wonders# Is this the right person to Achieve the outcome of the organisation? Was the dececion done without enough Information?. Did we consider the person or the organisation? Did we consider what we are dealing with?

“Maybe we did not apply the technical mind hence the Decision might not be Valid,” wrote Lunguzion her Facebook page

Her post attracted numerous comments with many commenters supporting the legislator, saying Mutharika should have appointed a health professional as chairperson of the board.

Lunguzi, a nurse by profession,  pointed out that the MBTS is a lifesaving organisation that needs a technical person as a chairperson.

She suggested that Lundu should have been appointed as a member with a technical person being appointed chairperson.

“How do you provide leadership on such technical issues? And we wonder our institutions are collapsing. This organisation has lifesaving roles. If they had chosen Lundu for MBC chairmanship I wouldn’t have raised my finger but this is a lifesaving organisation..” argued Lunguzi.

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7 years ago

Hatton hater, I believe you have been convinced that all points raised for which you were trying to answer, in your certified ignorance, were very pertinent and true. You have not disputed any. In case you are a tambala wakuda diehard, please be assured that Tambala wakuda will be slaughtered once again in 2019. Timudyera mpunga ameneyo.

7 years ago

Mai Lunguzi, your questioning appears good though belated. One would have expected you to question the choosing of Rev. Chakwera as president of MCP when everybody, including all MCP members, were aware that the Reverend had no political competency. Did you not clap hands when the former Reverend was chosen? Were you young when Kamuzu appointed Hon. Chimango minister of Finance? Madam MP tell Malawians when and where did Chimango study economics or finance? Are you sure madam MP, does one need to study blood for one to assist in mobilizing people to donate blood? Even in you constituency, I… Read more »

Hatton hater
Hatton hater
7 years ago
Reply to  Hatton

You are such wasted sed sperm.had your.father known that you are going to be foolish like this he could have worn a condom.

7 years ago

Those supporting this appointment are either Mad,Insane or Smoke Weed .kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

This is why most of parastatals are in the graveyard.

Not surprising that we are the poorest country in the world .

Why should we invest in Universities and Colleges when we are appointing Std 4 people in higher positions?????????

Prof. Mathanyula
7 years ago

Lundu is a dpp cadet no wonder the post.

7 years ago

Let us not oppose for the sake of opposing. I wonder if people understand the whole concept of corporate governance. If the author of this post understood the different mandates and qualifications required of the board versus management she would not post this. The board chair is supposed to be a leader, coordinator with great intuition while management must be composed of technical people. I remember when MCP was in power Hon John Tembo was board chair for 17 parastatals at a time. Did he have technical qualifications required by all parastatals? Were the parastatals not functioning? What about ministers,… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Dzanjalimozi

With that stupid thinking we will remain backward and poor.

7 years ago
Reply to  Dzanjalimozi

Kodi Lundu chizungu amatha or email angatumize? Atleast a chair should have minimum qualifications for fast learning new things ……………………………….

7 years ago

our country is being run by Dogs and not human beings we will meet next year dont worry paja munthu akamafa mumayamba ndi nkutu kugontha anyamuka 2019 agalu amenewa

Khwemani boy
Khwemani boy
7 years ago

Cry my beloved country. From top ministers down to board chair-men ship, Malawi lacks merit big time. We can’t expect development with such misplacements. The president’s policy on appointments is political appeasement. For example, Atupele – minister of health, the boy knows nothing about health. How can you expect such a person to contribute fully to his ministry? Our presidents, please try to follow most western countries by appointing the right people in the right positions that align with their professions. Only two ministers were merited as such, Goodal Gondwe in finance and the ousted ex-minister of health. Until then,… Read more »

Unenesko Nguwemi
Unenesko Nguwemi
7 years ago

Osadandaula,if tazolowera phwanyaphwanya.Kwa ife vuto palibe.Kodi inu simudziwa chizungu choti rewarding polical henchmen.Shame on the appointing authority.Lundu will go through learning by living

7 years ago

Mai Lunguzi, kodi anthu ama degree mwachita zotani m’dziko muno? I can say anthu ophunziranu you are a disgrace to our country. Nzeru and skills zongokhala m’mapepala ndi pa mulomo basi – kubwebweta. Try not to politicise things sometimes. As a Malawian, the TA has the right to take up the appointment and I do not doubt he will deliver.

7 years ago

Political appeasement is the worst drug to go by

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