Msonda says JB is ‘God sent’ for Malawi transformation
The ruling People’s Party (PP) deputy spokesperson Ken Msonda has urged prayerful Malawians to always support and work closely with President Joyce Banda for the country’s prosperity, saying she was called by God to be the transformational leader after 50 years of independence
Msonda said Banda’s leadership came from God hence she has made some political risks that were avoided by previous Presidents and that she has replaced politics of hate with love and forgiveness.
The outspoken PP deputy spokesperson lauded President Banda for picking a fight against corruption and theft in government – a vice which he said has affected the development of the nation.

He also hailed Banda for forgiving people who foul-mouthed her and even those who plotted a failed assassination accident at Kanengo in Lilongwe when she was the State Vice President.
Msonda said Banda has placed her love of this country ahead of her political ambitions.
“Leadership is a calling from God. To be Head of State and government is one of such calling. Surely, such political leaders are not easily found, unless sent by God; the likes of Nelson Mandela. Her Excellency Joyce Banda is in that group,” observed Msonda a born-again christian.
He added, “All the doubting Thomas Didimos will stand in owe then H.E. Dr. Joyce Banda shall be sworn and re-confirmed as State President of the Republic of Malawi after May 20 elections to further develop this nation.”
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