Msukwa claims sale of plot to Sattar was made before he became Minister
Kezzie Msukwa, who was arrested on Friday by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) in relation to corruption investigation the Bureau is undertaking involving businessman Sattar over sale of land in Lilongwe, maintains that the deal took place before he became Minister of Lands & Urban Development.
Msukwa argued at Zomba High Court where he filed and made an ex parte application for judicial review, saying the ACB failed to correctly appreciate and discharge its constitutional, statutory and administrative law duties.

Justice Zione Ntaba was told the said plot number 46/2057 in Area 46 in Lilongwe was sold to Sattar by the Ministry before he became a minister
Msukwa argued that the ACB “should have taken a less dramatic approach by instituting proceedings against him under section 84 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Code”.
But the ACB says it does not agree with the court order with Director General Martha Chizuma saying they are in the process of complying with the court order as they prepare to apply for its discharge.
In his post on social media over this development, Sean Mateus considers that by agreeing with Msukwa wholesale, “the court misdirected its mind on some relevant factors of consideration.
He wrote: “First, it must be appreciated that there is a substantive criminal matter which Msukwa has been formally and lawfully called to answer and secondly, it must be appreciated that an arrest (or warrant of arrest) is merely one of those procedural elements employed to secure trial attendance of an accused person.
“An arrest ought to be procedural at all times i.e. always done according to the law. This notwithstanding, the fact that a procedural element was overlooked during the arrest of a criminal suspect does not automatically render the criminal proceedings a nullity.
“It is only after such an overlook has occasioned a failure of justice by materially prejudicing an accused person that such a proceeding becomes a nullity (Section 3 and 5 of the Criminal Procedure & Evidence Code)
“In determining whether any error, omission or irregularity has occasioned a failure of justice the court considers the question whether the objection could and should have been raised at an earlier stage in the proceedings.
“This is is exactly what Msukwa’s lawyer did — raise the issue of Msukwa’s human rights violations at an earlier stage in the proceedings. This having been done, the onus was on the judge to make the appropriate order having in mind Msukwa’s prayers (his request to the court).”
Mateus argues further that Msukwa’s prayer was to have his warrant of arrest permanently stayed and by permanently banning the ACB from arresting him on the preferred charges.
“Before making the determination, the court should have taxed itself with the following question — with regard to sections 3 and 5 of the Criminal Procedure & Evidence Code, would granting Msukwa’s prayers be the appropriate thing to do in the circumstances?
“Like I alluded above, I think not. My reasoning is, Msukwa’s human rights were violated but he was far from being prejudiced. He had access to a lawyer who could raise, and in fact did raise the issue with the court in good time.
“This being the case, the remedy was something else and not a stay of the arrest warrant. The judge should not have agreed with Msukwa’s lawyer. The court was enjoined to make an order(s) aimed at protecting Msukwa’s human rights while under arrest to ensure his fair trial.
“By agreeing with the claimants wholesale, the judge fell for the trap here and did exactly that she was trying to avoid — interfering with the mandate and jurisdiction of the ACB.
He added that Justice Ntaba “should have ordered Msukwa’s release on medical grounds to allow him get his medical treatment in line with his guaranteed Constitutional rights. But by no means was she supposed to stay the warrant of his arrest.
“There are a so many issues with that determination but l will stop here. Ndikutha kuwona chaka chikukhala cha busy ichi (I envisage such a busy year ahead).
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The big question did he receive moneyey through his inlw Moses kafunda or not if he received, what business did he do with sayter
I am not surprised at all although someone somewehere was shocked. One stupid legal mind says don’t attack Judge simply because he is beneficiary of such bad decisions.Let’s face facts, Judges are human beings and as such do make mistakes. So he is insinuating that when a Judge makes a mistake the public should keep quiet just because one is a Judge – really? Then Judges stopped living on earth. How can a concern be an attack?
Mukuyankhula Ku court abwana.
Make these comments in court bwana not on social media
Then the minister has been wronged. Sorry my dear for being taken a criminal, The I think its high time the ACB should have professional forensic experts like Certified Fraud Examiners, Qualified accountants with audit experience, Certified Information System Auuditors etc. not a teacher and a social scientists only. The summon should also be confidential until conclusion. Otherwise if true this is real embarassment to the respected Bureau. And the government may end up paying heavily.
Iwe usataotse anthu nthawi ndi fundo zausiluzo, nkhope ya fodyayo.
Nde unagulits ngati ndani nthawi imeneyo, kapasils iwe. Ndi zione wakoyo, naye waiwala zinapanga malume wake zija??????? Asase citosi cimene cija khaye.
Musaononge misonkho yathu ndi ma section mukutuliys pamowa.xioo.kapena ndi magulu Aja to ukanene Kuli kosewa? Yes nthawi ya DPPose mabwana anali pamwamba pa lamulo.
Ndani angwidwapo? Nde mukuona kunamizila kudwala ndekkuti mupulumuka.
Mulkunya muona.
She has set a precedent for criminals who upon hearing of an impending arrest will be rushing to hospital and claim that their rights are being violeted. Mpinganjira made a similar prayer for bail but the court so no merit because he is lomwe and from the south and there is another criminal plying the streets now for three years on bail pending appeal all because he is of the same tribe with most court officers.
Zovuta kwabasi
Who was the minster when the land was sold to Sattar?
Lizzie msukwa.
And the Benz and millions were given to the then minister?