Mutharika calls on Judges to join fight against corruption

As the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), which is responsible for tackling graft, had become toothless because ruling politicians were interfering with its director Lucas Kondowe where all corrupt gangsters in the corridors of power are being shielded, President Peter Mutharika has called on the Judiciciary to “send a stern signal” that Malawi is ready to get rid of corrupt practices as a means of fostering economic growth.

Judge Dorothy de Gabrielle swearing at Sanjika palace.Pic-Francis Mphweya-MANA.
Judge Dorothy de Gabrielle swearing at Sanjika palace.Pic-Francis Mphweya-MANA.
Judge Joseph Chigona being sworn in during the function at Sanjika palace.Pic-Francis Mphweya-MANA.
Judge Joseph Chigona being sworn in during the function at Sanjika palace.Pic-Francis Mphweya-MANA.

President Mutharika made the call on Tuesday  at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre when the newly appointed High Court judges took their oath of office and allegiance to serve the people of Malawi and uphold and defend the Constitution.

He sounded an appeal to the Judiciary to work together with his administration in the fiht against corruption, which he recently conceded is worsening.

Mutharika called for an independent, professional and accountable judiciciary, saying “judgment must be dealt with and judgment must be passed with integrity in order to protect, secure and safeguard the citizen’s dignity.”

One the new high court judges, Joseph Chigona agreed with the president on their key role of dealing with rampant corruption in the country.

Chigona said the Judiciary has a crucial role to play in coordinating with the Legislature and the Executive to give the people of Malawi a ticking government.

Ruth Chinangwa, another newly sworn in judge emphasized on the separation of powers while working together with the Legislature and Executive in upholding the rule of law.

Mutharika during the ceremony also pledged that his administration will “endeavour ti uphold the humanrights of our citizens.”

The President also said his adminsitration will continue to promote good governance through the eparation if powers among the three branches of government; the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary.

He, however, said the three branches “are supposed to be a check on each other and , where ecessary, they must complement each other because, ultimately, we have one government which ought to work in unified way.

Chief Justice Andrew Nyirenda said the appointment of the four  means the Judiciary has now  26 judges in the High Court  with two judges in Mzuzu, two in Zomba and six in Lilongwe.

The four new judges are Judge Joseph Chigona who was registrar of Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal and High Court, Ruth Chinangwa who was chief resident magistrate, a private practice lawyer George Bakuwa who served as company secretary  State grain trader Admarc and Dorothy De Gabrielle who was  chairperson of the Industrial Relations Court.

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Tchende Mbewu (Atonde)

Judge Dorothy de Gabrielle ndi zitinso? kuno mayina athu ndi monga Mwanyongo, Mwafongo, Kulipula, Nyoni, Chisale, kamowatimwa, Chipingu, Kasiya, Pongolani, Kaliza ng’oma, Jubegi, adimaki, Alusha, ndi ena otero, uyu ndiye wachokera kuti, De Gabriella?

8 years ago

kuuma mutu basi galu iwe Thende Mbewu (Atonde), suukuona kuti mwamuna wake ndi mzungu ali pambalipoyo?

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