Mzuni concerned students: Against Mutharika resignation call
The President of the Republic of Malawi Ngwazi Professor Bingu wa Mutharika on Sunday 04th of March 2012 told this nation during a rally he addressed in Thyolo district that he had intelligence that Civil Society organisations, opposition parties with help from some donors were planning to strategise on illegally overthrowing His government commencing 14thMarch 2012. Furthermore, senior government officials spoke on the same but PAC conference members downplayed their sentiments arguing these were just mere political rhetoric.
However, few days down the line, the Civil Society Organisations at the just ended PAC indaba have vindicated government by really resolving in line with what government officials told the nation. We therefore do not need any other evidence to prove that the PAC gathering was by nature designed to officially inform Malawians that the Civil Society organisations are fired up and ready to overthrow the government.

It is against this background that we, concerned students from Mzuzu University who are also the bonafide citizens of the republic of Malawi, with respect to the democratic principles which, among other things, provide for the freedom of expression that we share our stand on this development with fellow countrymen in this 16th March 2012 press statement.
To begin with, we would like to reason with you our fellow Malawians particularly the young populace of this country not to support these sinister motives of the civil society organisations to bring confusion in this country. “Experience is the great teacher” so goes the popular adage; when we recall during the 20th July mass demonstrations, innocent Malawians, of which the majority were youths, lost their lives. As if that was not enough, shops were looted, houses and properties of innocent citizens were destroyed thereby rendering them destitute. It is against these fresh bad memories that we appeal to the general public not to support the PAC resolutions and advancements aiming at ousting this democratically elected and legitimate government.
It is just a sheer sign of greedy, lack of maturity, unpatriotic and irresponsibility on the part of the plotters to think that some of the problems the country is facing can be solved in this undiplomatic approach. We would like to continue reasoning with you our fellow Malawians that overthrowing the government might have unbearable and far reaching consequences as we cannot rule out massive bloodshed on top of mass destruction of properties, shutting down of businesses, indefinite closure of primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities among other social institutions. We must therefore remind one another that it is easier to destroy than to build and it is therefore in our strong conviction that Malawians do not want to see this country burning into ashes like Libya, Egypt and Tunisia.
On this note, we would like to appeal to Malawians to turn their back on this crop of civil society leaders who have proved beyond reasonable doubt that they are masquerading as human rights defenders yet in real sense they take activism as a formula for self aggrandizement. Our fellow Malawians, we have noted with great shock that these so called activists do not make any consultations to us the grassroots but they claim to represent us when making crucial decisions of national interest. This to us is a clear indication that they serve not our interest but of their masters, donors, for their selfish ambitions at the expense of us needy and poor Malawians. These unscrupulous activists are money hungry, ready to put in danger zone the very same powerless and voiceless people they claim to protect while they go hiding in safe and comfortable mansions. They, therefore, to us qualify to be dubbed as the historical “November criminals” of our time who are determined to sell this nation at a price of homosexuality and its subsequent Imperialism. 20th July national wide demonstrations are a clear case to explain this point.
Much as we appreciate that we are going through social stress and economic hurdles in our country; we believe that the values of unity, patriotism, patience, endurance, tolerance, dialogue and foresight can help us conquer challenges that we are facing in our time. In our understanding and with reference to the constitution of Republic of Malawi; regime change can only happen in two ways which are: through impeachment of the president using established parliamentary frameworks and through general election which is just around the corner in 2014. If civil society organisations are really salivating for regime change, they should wait for 2014 general elections if at all they can manage to dislodge DPP on the ballot.
It cannot also go without underscoring the fact that these developments of the resignations, referendum and national wide demonstrations are indeed scary in nature to the general public. We also believe these developments can just worsen the current economic and political situation. We therefore would like to appeal to the State President Ngwazi Professor Bingu Wa Mutharika to tighten up security across the country and to assure that citizens are not living under panic.
We, more importantly, appeal to the youths in this country who demographically are in majority, according to the 2008 National statistics report data, not to support any move that can jeopardise their own future and even put their lives in danger as it was the case with the 20th July demonstrations. We therefore also request parents and guardians to adjust their responsibility of nurturing their sons and daughters in order to activate them to fast metamorphosize into patriotic and peace loving citizens of this country.
Finally, we humbly appeal to real religious leaders to rise and pray hard for this country to be protected from any possible danger so as to shame the devil.
May God Bless Malawi.
* Henry Mvula is chairperson of the Mzuzu University (Mzuni) Concerned Students group while Luke Piyo is the Secretary of the grouping
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